Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rejection #2

Last night another rejection rolled into my inbox. It's funny; I don't want people to feel bad for me or happy for me (obviously). To me, it's a right of passage. I have to learn how to play the game. I knew going into these first queries, after finishing my first novel, that the only way to ever know how to join this group I've desperately wanted to be a part of for so long (published/established writers) was to jump in. I don't like jumping in, to anything. Maybe that's why I didn't progress in gymnastics farther - I always wanted to know the outcome of a new skill (ie. not get hurt) before I did it on my own. I would sabotage a skill, and sooner fall off -controlled- than go all out and hurt myself. I realize I can't do that now. Maybe it's wisdom that comes with age? haha

Ok so back to the rejection. It was better (in some ways) and worse (in other ways) than the first. Here it is. I have again left out who it was from and insert my feelings in another color.

Dear Ms. Morris: She used my name! Not a form letter. At least one worthy of adding my name.

Thanks for your query. You're very welcome.

As to your material I'm afraid I will be passing -- I'm just not enthusiastic enough about the concept of your story to feel that I'd be the right agent for the project. I'm sad that you are not enthusiastic about it. I am. I think it's great. However, thank you for being honest. I wouldn't want an agent who thought my idea was mediocre trying to sell it.

I realize it is difficult to judge your potential from a query; nevertheless please know that I give serious attention to every letter, outline, and writing sample I receive. Again, thank you for your serious attention. I agree that it must be difficult to judge a query. It was horrible to write. The book, in my opinion, outshines the query in every way. I will keep working on my query writing ability. Though, I hope you didn't miss a great opportunity to be my agent.

Sorry I couldn't give you a more positive reply. I'm sorry too.

Thanks for thinking of me, though, and best of luck in your search for representation. Thanks. I hope the luck helps. I know I will need it in this business.

Oh, and she signed her name. The real agent, really read it. (I think). That makes me feel good. To think that I was at least rejected by the person who potentially would represent me and not some third party.

So there it is. She didn't say anything mean; which I have heard has happened to people. Not that she strikes me as mean or someone to say mean things. But it wasn't harsh either. It seemed sincere. She must have a heart. I appreciate that. I could never have a job where I had to reject over a hundred people a week.

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