Friday, September 28, 2012

America's Next Author

It's a social media writing contest, America's Next Author, where YOU can vote for your favorite.  I am currently re-working a story I wrote a couple of years ago to fit into the guidelines.  (I think) I submitted (the old version) of it somewhere before, but it was the ONLY story I've ever written that Rob (my husband - who isn't huge of fiction) laughed out loud when he read it.  The coolest thing about the contest, anyone can read my story, leave feedback and/or vote for it.  For one contest, I can get my quirky writer self out there to everyone who's willing to read it.  

I've had to extend the story, since I originally wrote it with a word limit of 1,000 words and this story has to be 2,500 - 5,000 words.  The main character is the epitome of all of my best characters, odd but worthy of sympathy.  Reading and voting starts October 9th, so I will put all that info up when the time comes.  However, below is a link to the site if you are interested in checking it out.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

November Neurosis

Yesterday I began writing on a topic that had been in my head for a while, just churning away.  It's been on the (proverbial) tip of my brain and yesterday she finally decided to show herself.  She?  Yes, the neurotic character that hasn't (until yesterday) fully revealed herself, yet wouldn't leave me alone.  

This led me to an interesting thought last night as I drifted off to sleep:  Is it possible that writers/people who write (some of us anyway) have multiple personality disorder, but can control it and put it on paper rather than physically live it out?  Conversely, is it that people with multiple personality disorder just can't filter the characters in their head out in any other way?  Weird, right?  This reminds me of a creative writing teacher I had in college.  We had a discussion in class about how writing is like an obsession.  That it's not always something we want to do.  In fact, sometimes we don't even like it.  I found the conversation strange because I think I like writing.  However, my characters and their stories are never pre-planned.  I never know what they are going to do or why they do it, until it's done.  

Why November?  I would like to try NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - for anyone not in the know).  I've decided I would like to try and tell her story during that time.  The only thing I'm worried about, is that when I write, I have a hard time forcing it.  It (the story) either comes, or it doesn't.  I rationalize it that it's the character telling me his/her story or choosing not to.  I hope by telling her (my character) that she will have my (mostly) undivided attention for a month, she will keep it coming.  

Before you get all concerned (I think) I'm just personifying my characters.  I'm not crazy.  No.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A word on #WordCountWednesday

I have changed my mind to include words written not only for my novel, but any words written toward any publishable work.  Still not including my blog.  Though, some days I write more words here, than anywhere. This change coincides with #SubmissionSunday and the need for some fresh material to submit.

A Glimpse into my Office

"A Glimpse into my Office" is a new series where I will randomly post a picture of something in my office.  

I recently made a gallery wall in my office.  It's all black and white to match the office theme.

This is one of the many pics hanging on the wall in my office.  My dad took it back in the day when he was going to school for art.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I think, that most people think of me as a nice person.  I, however, may just be really good at the "time and place" principle.  I wonder if everyone has that running commentary inside their head, unleashed noticing, sarcasm and criticism.  Yes?

The reason I bring it up:  I wrote a short short this morning, based on fact that is honest.  (Now look, I am already justifying this.)  I didn't lie, I didn't judge, I just stated fact.  However, I know that pointing out someones pudge is not nice.  I actually even feel bad in my head when I do it.  To be fair, it's more that I feel bad for doing it, because I realize that other's probably do it to/at me in their head as well, and I'm embarrassed for me.  I do it to myself too; I've just gotten to the point of realizing that I shouldn't care what others think of me.  Which is why I sing and dance in my car.  I mean if people are going to laugh at or judge me, I might as well have fun while they're doing it.

Did I write about you today?  Most likely not.  We (the person I wrote about and I) do not know each other.  However, I'm fairly certain, this person would recognize themselves if they read it.  In fact, to the best of my knowledge, this person has no idea I have a blog.

Question:  Is it mean to notice or state the obvious?  Like if someone is overweight, is that mean to notice?  Doesn't a good biographer include all the facts about a person and not just the nice ones?

In response to myself:  I have tried to change observations around to make it "separate but equal" and still amusing or realistic or whatever.  It never works out right.

Let's make a deal:  I won't judge you for noticing my flaws/quirks and visa versa.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Challenge Accepted

Ok, I just challenged myself to submit one thing per week through the end of the year.  I actually came up with the terms as I typed that last sentence out.  I'll call it, #SubmissionSunday.  (Also just thought that up).  Boo-ya!


A)  Because I am impatient waiting for my queries to come back to me.
B)  I want to be published somewhere/people to read what I write
C)  I want to be able to claim that I've been published

Yes, I do realize that that this challenge will not help with point "A".  It's merely meant to distract and inspire (ignite the flame under my butt).  I have plenty of short stories that I think are genius.  I will share them with the world.

Official rules:  Submit one story per week by Sunday 11:59pm.  Can be submitted to a contest, online publication, print publication, or if I really can't find anywhere else, I deem it appropriate to "submit" to my own blog.  Also, I challenge anyone else who wants to be published to partake in this challenge with me, including (if all else fails) to submit to my blog.  With that, I assure you whatever readership I have, you have, and your work is just that, yours.  I will never claim to own it or have written it, or whatever.

So there it is.  Here I go. On Sunday.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Short Short Writing Competition

Yup, I wrote a short short today for the Writer's Digest Short Short competition.  I love short shorts because
A)  It's fun to say.
B)  I totally enjoy the satisfaction of finishing something and being amused by it.

Now comes the challenge:  I have proven to myself that I can get rejected without paying for it.  Is it worth $20 to be rejected and not even get the rejection letter?  (At least I don't think I do).  I know, I won't know unless I try.  And at under 800 words, the reward would be great for so little work (but a lot of sheer genius)  Isn't sheer genius the point of writing?  (Or is that hard work?)  BOTH!

Sorry, the story I just wrote is stream of consciousness and I'm having a hard time coming out of it.

In random otherness:  blogger has updated itself.  I'm indifferent at the moment.  It looks different, whiter perhaps.  Shades of white(ish), part is gray.

People Helping People

The following is a letter from my brother.  He is looking for contributions to support a co-worker in her fight against cancer.  Please help if possible, share if not.

July 21, 2012
Dear Friends and Family,

Over the next two months, I will be training to prepare for Team In Training’s (TNT) Nike Women’s Marathon which is a 13.1 mile run on October 14th! TNT is a nonprofit endurance training program that benefits The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). I have set my sights higher than just training for a half marathon, though. I also aim to raise at least $2,500 to help find a cure for blood cancers, such as leukemia, myeloma, and Hodgkin’s disease.

The money I raise will pay for support groups, educational programs, and financial planning for afflicted families. It will also fund grants for doctors whom are working toward better treatments and a cure.  Their efforts are critical, because blood cancers kill more children in the United States than any other cancer and strike even more adults. An estimated 110,960 new cases of blood cancers will be diagnosed nationwide this year alone; some 55,100 patients will die.

Recently, my coworker, Pamela Wright, was diagnosed with Plasma Cell Leukemia. I cannot imagine the struggle that Pam and her family are going through, so the least I can do is support the cause and train for this event in her honor.

This is where, I’m hoping, you come in. Though I can do the training, I need your help to reach my fundraising goal. Every dollar you donate is tax-deductible and any donation, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated!

Contributions can be made online on my personal fundraising page:

Thank you for your time in reading this and hopefully you will be able to help me on my journey in fighting against cancer.

Thank you in advance for your support! I truly appreciate it!

May the force be with you,

Garrett Rasmussen

Saturday, September 15, 2012


The writing contest I was going to send my story to with Writer's Digest has extended their deadline until October 31. I had procrastinated in sending it and was going to on the last day (which was yesterday). Now, however, I will mull over it longer I think. I want it to be perfect and distance helps me see it clearly. Though, I think it's pretty amazing.

In other news I have yet to hear anything about the other two queries that I sent out. This can only mean a couple of things:
A. They are super busy
B. They procrastinate
C. It's sitting on their desk and they are trying to decide (Let me help you - YOU WANT TO READ MORE OF IT!)

I've been lazy when it comes to writing. I've been Pinterest crazy lately and decorating for fall! I am also putting up a feature wall of black and white art in my office. It's looking awesome. My goal this week is to get back into the rhythm. I need to get the rest of these pics up on the wall first though.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rejection #2

Last night another rejection rolled into my inbox. It's funny; I don't want people to feel bad for me or happy for me (obviously). To me, it's a right of passage. I have to learn how to play the game. I knew going into these first queries, after finishing my first novel, that the only way to ever know how to join this group I've desperately wanted to be a part of for so long (published/established writers) was to jump in. I don't like jumping in, to anything. Maybe that's why I didn't progress in gymnastics farther - I always wanted to know the outcome of a new skill (ie. not get hurt) before I did it on my own. I would sabotage a skill, and sooner fall off -controlled- than go all out and hurt myself. I realize I can't do that now. Maybe it's wisdom that comes with age? haha

Ok so back to the rejection. It was better (in some ways) and worse (in other ways) than the first. Here it is. I have again left out who it was from and insert my feelings in another color.

Dear Ms. Morris: She used my name! Not a form letter. At least one worthy of adding my name.

Thanks for your query. You're very welcome.

As to your material I'm afraid I will be passing -- I'm just not enthusiastic enough about the concept of your story to feel that I'd be the right agent for the project. I'm sad that you are not enthusiastic about it. I am. I think it's great. However, thank you for being honest. I wouldn't want an agent who thought my idea was mediocre trying to sell it.

I realize it is difficult to judge your potential from a query; nevertheless please know that I give serious attention to every letter, outline, and writing sample I receive. Again, thank you for your serious attention. I agree that it must be difficult to judge a query. It was horrible to write. The book, in my opinion, outshines the query in every way. I will keep working on my query writing ability. Though, I hope you didn't miss a great opportunity to be my agent.

Sorry I couldn't give you a more positive reply. I'm sorry too.

Thanks for thinking of me, though, and best of luck in your search for representation. Thanks. I hope the luck helps. I know I will need it in this business.

Oh, and she signed her name. The real agent, really read it. (I think). That makes me feel good. To think that I was at least rejected by the person who potentially would represent me and not some third party.

So there it is. She didn't say anything mean; which I have heard has happened to people. Not that she strikes me as mean or someone to say mean things. But it wasn't harsh either. It seemed sincere. She must have a heart. I appreciate that. I could never have a job where I had to reject over a hundred people a week.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some days I have it

And some days I don't. Today feels like one of those days. At very least, this is not my time of day. Last night, I did some excellent writing. I wrote almost 1,000 words for my chapter/story that I want to enter for the @WritersDigest pop fiction contest. With a little over 1,000 possible words left to go, I'm within the realm of completing this goal.

Problem: my inner self has issues with letting my characters do dangerous/sad/complicated things. I sit on it, letting whatever the issue is churn until I reach that moment where it has to come out. I wouldn't call it writer's block, because I know what's going to happen. I know. It's almost like I know the future before it comes, and until I write it, it won't happen. Sounds crazy, right? Unless you write SF, then it sounds like a plot for a new story. haha

The other dilemma? Place is about to transform into character --> Conflict will become man vs nature for a time. This particular nature is new to the story, new to me, and new to the world at large. Ok, some people have worked within this realm, but not many. It's not like I'm taking my characters across the Atlantic or even through typical outer space. Which means here I have to develop the rules that will (with a bit of luck) dictate future space travel/time distortion for the rest of my novel(s). #SeriouslyExcitingStuff AND #SeriouslyScaryStuff. AKA: I don't want to screw it up.