Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Ya win some.  Ya lose some.  But if you look at it through the door, between the cracks, squinting just right, you will learn something about yourself and about life.  I'm talking about specifically, all of the new writing journeys that I have been, and will continue to explore.  It's not an easy road.  I never believed it would be.  It's too early for a yearly re-cap (that will come in December).  But with October ending, and November beginning it only seems apropos to reflect and look ahead.

October started the America's Next Author contest.  I have done well, and it's not over, but I'm exhausted, both emotionally and resourcefully.  All of my friends, and their friends, to the best of their abilities have voted, shared, reviewed, FB liked and the rest.  I have printed flyers, talked to businesses, talked to people, joined craigslist, tweeted, written more than a few too many FB posts and emails.  Everyone has been great to me.  My highest place so far is 4th of 285!  Which made me feel like a million bucks.  No, I'm not giving up, but I know better than to put all of my eggs in one basket, and too much of my heart, soul, and efforts this month have been in that contest.  So, I'm going to stop worrying.  Stop looking at my page every day.  And start something new.

November starts National Novel Writer's Month.  I've got the t-shirt.  I've got the merit-badge buttons.  I've got Scrivener.  I've got a playlist (which still needs to be synced with my ipod).  I've got a region (well I'm hovering in between two).  Springfield is closest, but it's still over an hour away, so I've joined the Missouri: elsewhere also (hoping to find activities closer).  And I did!  There will be a write-in in Rolla, which I will be excitedly (nervously- it's me) attending.  I also hope to get to a write-in in Springfield, though being out of town a week (including two weekends) hinders that a bit.  I hope this will help teach me discipline  and just what it takes to pump out a novel like the pro's.

So here goes nothing.  Keep voting/sharing.  Keep writing.  Keep dreaming.

Friday, October 26, 2012

My heart is melting

In a good way.  Today when the ranks updated, I found I had climbed to 8th place!  I have gotten support from people who I adore and my face continues to redden as I type this.  I keep having to bring myself down to reality in order to keep focused at the task at hand:  promotion, promotion, promotion!  I shudder to think what my physiological reaction will be the day I get an agent or (gasp) a novel signed with a publisher.  Thanks for making my day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today is a good day!  I woke up to find that I am currently ranked 4 of 285 in the America's Next Writer Competition.  It's only because I have the support of some awesome people that this is the case.  Thank you all.  Because I know that you all are trying to help me, I have re-made (as a picture so blogger would insert it onto this page) my vote for Tina sign.  I am asking anyone who is willing, to print off a couple (quick print is fine with me - it's how I save  ink) and hang them up.  I've placed a few at the local Panera Bread.  I am also thinking of heading out to my local library to ask them.  Other ideas:  If you work some place you could hang it there.  If you teach, hang it in your classroom.  If you are in a class, ask your teacher to hang it.  If you go to a coffee shop, book store, library, car mechanic(?) ask if you can hang it up.  My only request, is that you have permission to do so.  Tell them a little bit about the contest and me.  I appreciate any and all help you can give.  


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prepping & Moving Up

No, I'm not a doomsday prepper.  I do like to watch the show sometimes and then I contemplate the fact that maybe I should be more prepared. For what?  Armageddon, end of the Mayan Calendar, tornados (more realistic here is Misery - I mean, Missouri), Nuclear War, whatever might come up.   Anyway, I haven not been doing that.  I have been continuing to prep for National Novel Writer's Month (NaNoWriMo).  Today, on my regional forum (the location of which is debatable because of my distance to anywhere) I found "Writing Tools".  Within this post is a program called Scrivener, and there is a free trial specially for people participating in NaNoWriMo.  I have downloaded it and gone through the tutorial.  I am going to set it up on my mini laptop and see if I can become comfortable enough with it to use for the month.  (both the program and my mini laptop).  It's the perfect size to throw in a bag and carry along with me -the laptop.  I am also coming along on my playlist.  I am close to 80 songs.  I am hoping once I get to an "end", that I will be able to group them by idea/topic/theme/tone and put them into Scrivener somehow (at least the lists).  We'll see.  I'm also hoping I can do the same with my NaNoWriMo pinterest board.  Again, we'll see.

Moving Up:
I am now in 17th place in the America's Next Author Competition!  That means that my face shows up on the first page of author rankings!  If it sounds conceited, fine, but that's not why I'm so excited.  For one, I have awesome friends who are voting and sharing and tweeting, and being awesome.  For two, now, more people than ever will see it and may stumble upon it, because in theory, it's one of the best -I mean it's on the first page!  So thank you friends!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


My confusion about the America's Next Author contest has been resolved.  I sent a message and asked how my ranking feel so fast and promptly got a response stating that after a couple days, the ranking should sort itself out - and it has.  I did drop a few spots - I'm not in 28th.  However, we can bounce back from that!  Share my cause with everyone you know!

A little bit of this

and that.

1.  The America's Next Author contest is confusing me.  I went from 24th to 129th place overnight.  I have no idea how to bounce back.  I thought once the ranking reset, people could vote again, but this is not the case.  Personally, I think the votes should be cumulative if people cannot vote every week.  It was my understanding that they could.  So, I'm frustrated and I'm sure I am  not the only one.

2.  Besides my frustration, I'm happy with all of the positive commentary on my story.  I appreciate my friends and their friends for all of the support.  Win, lose, or somewhere oddly in between, my confidence is growing and I'm excited to continue to work on new things.

3.  NaNoWriMo Playlist:  It's coming along nicely.  I keep adding new songs to it daily and once I am done, I will try to put them in a useful order.  I'm excited for this story because the character is unique and I look forward to the dark side of this novel.

4.  I've been thinking about making "Counting Blows" a longer piece.  It makes me nervous because now that people like it, I don't want to upset anyone with how he turns out.  I like the quirky, wondrous nature of little Steven and of the story.  I will continue to think on this for all of my (dare I say it) fans.

5.  I still haven't heard anything from two of the agents I sent my novel to.  The first two rejections came quickly.  This waiting is daunting.

6.  Book two is in a good place.  Well, it's been at a standstill of sorts while I try to promote "Counting Blows" and get ready for NaNoWriMo.  However, when I'm ready to jump back at it, which I'm guessing will be after the new year, it will be in a good place to go.

7.  Completely random:  I need a haircut and the shirt I put on this morning is fading colors in random spots.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Putting Myself Out There

A few days ago, I called upon my High School graduating class to vote for my story in the America's Next Author contest.  Then today I asked my whole town, both via Facebook.  Since the contest is a social media contest, I am trying to find my votes through social media.  I know that in order to get a nomination, I will have to reach farther and wider.  Self promotion is not something I have ever thought too much of before.  It's a new concept to me, but honestly it's going really well.  I have had a lot of positive reception to my story and it's helping me push my comfort zone.  I believe this competition is prepping me for my future because I'm beginning to realize that when the time comes to publish a novel, I will have to self promote.  In fact, even something like trying to get an agent requires a level of self promotion.  So while today is Sunday and #SubmissionSunday isn't happening in the traditional sense perhaps, I am basically submitting my story to a variety of individuals hoping many will like it and vote.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

NaNoWriMo Playlist

So today I've been working on a list of songs to help me get into the mood for different parts of my novel for November.  This will be in place of an outline.  I have the artist, song, and a description of what might happen.  It's all out of order right now.  I already have about 40 songs and I am not half done; I'm sure.  I will try to post the total list before November.  If I don't, I probably won't happen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

. . .and we're off!

Off to quite a start in the America's Next Author competition, that is.  Earlier today, I posted on Facebook that the voting was underway.  I have been working hard to get the word out.  I have never been very inclined to at promote myself, but this is something I really want.  I have a couple awesome people who have already left reviews and I greatly appreciate it.  I also know that some people have FB "liked"  my author page, which also counts towards my popularity (I mean "Counting Blows" popularity).  :)  I've already sent out a first wave of private messages and pleas to family members to read, vote, and share with everyone they know.  If you are reading this blog, please do the same.  I really would like to get to the point in the competition where people who don't know me have heard about me, are reading my story, and (fingers crossed) liking it.  I realize this is up to me, which is why in the middle of this post (right here in fact) I stopped writing and asked the people in my "local" NaNoWriMo group to read my story.  No fear.  No shame.  This is only the beginning 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Submission Sunday Success

Oh I love the alliteration of that title.

I submitted the SF story, that will be part of my second novel (in some way), once I get to writing that part of it.  It's called "First Jump" and I submitted it to the Pop Fiction Competition that Writer's Digest does.  Won't know anything about the outcome of that until the end of December.

America's Next Author starts next week.  Get pumped up!  I know I am!

Friday, October 5, 2012

America's Next Author

My story was officially accepted as a contestant in the America's Next Author competition!  The voting starts on Tuesday here:  The site doesn't go up until that day.  Until I can see it, I am not sure how to direct anyone to find my story, other than to search my name . . .  Once Tuesday comes, I will *hopefully* post a direct link to it.

I am super nervous and excited.  I just hope this isn't like how as a 9th grader I thought if I dressed cool enough I would suddenly become popular or how I would bring plaid pants in style.  Damn I did love those pants though.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Glimpse into my office - round 2

This is Dakota.  He is the epitome of a loyal dog.  He lays next to me in the office when I write.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NaNoWriMo: What I ordered

1.  T-shirt.
Why?  You can't wear a t-shirt for something you didn't participate in without everyone asking how you are doing/did.  This is motivation to write like I've never before, because it's a cool t-shirt.

2.  Merit Badge pins.
Why?  They aren't just pins!  They're challenges to earn!  I am not volunteering with the Girl Scouts for nothing!  I loved earning badges . . . I still do!

Monday, October 1, 2012

#SubmissionSunday turns #SubmissionMonday, sounds like BDSM

50 Shades of Grey may have ruined the word submission for me.  Anyway, that’s not what this post is about.

I turned in my story called, "Counting Blows" for the America's Next Author competition.  It's basically a social media contest, and starting next week I will officially be begging for people to read and vote for me.  This is extremely scary considering I have 8 followers on here and 20 on twitter.  I have a few more Facebook friends.  However, I do know several people who have read this here blog, and told me it amused them.  It will be all of you that I will be calling on to help me.  

I apologize in advance for my unrelenting posts, messages, and such that I send out.  If you will be so kind to share them, I'd be grateful like never before.  This is, the first time, anything I've written will be free for anyone to read so openly.  The contest starts on October 9th, and assuming it's allowed in (which I think is basically every story that meets the criteria, that's when I will need you all to start voting.  I'll keep you posted.