Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Ya win some.  Ya lose some.  But if you look at it through the door, between the cracks, squinting just right, you will learn something about yourself and about life.  I'm talking about specifically, all of the new writing journeys that I have been, and will continue to explore.  It's not an easy road.  I never believed it would be.  It's too early for a yearly re-cap (that will come in December).  But with October ending, and November beginning it only seems apropos to reflect and look ahead.

October started the America's Next Author contest.  I have done well, and it's not over, but I'm exhausted, both emotionally and resourcefully.  All of my friends, and their friends, to the best of their abilities have voted, shared, reviewed, FB liked and the rest.  I have printed flyers, talked to businesses, talked to people, joined craigslist, tweeted, written more than a few too many FB posts and emails.  Everyone has been great to me.  My highest place so far is 4th of 285!  Which made me feel like a million bucks.  No, I'm not giving up, but I know better than to put all of my eggs in one basket, and too much of my heart, soul, and efforts this month have been in that contest.  So, I'm going to stop worrying.  Stop looking at my page every day.  And start something new.

November starts National Novel Writer's Month.  I've got the t-shirt.  I've got the merit-badge buttons.  I've got Scrivener.  I've got a playlist (which still needs to be synced with my ipod).  I've got a region (well I'm hovering in between two).  Springfield is closest, but it's still over an hour away, so I've joined the Missouri: elsewhere also (hoping to find activities closer).  And I did!  There will be a write-in in Rolla, which I will be excitedly (nervously- it's me) attending.  I also hope to get to a write-in in Springfield, though being out of town a week (including two weekends) hinders that a bit.  I hope this will help teach me discipline  and just what it takes to pump out a novel like the pro's.

So here goes nothing.  Keep voting/sharing.  Keep writing.  Keep dreaming.

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