Saturday, February 4, 2012

Over 50,000 words

52,716 to be exact! I can honestly say writing this book seems to get easier the longer I work on it. I am beginning to truly know my characters and how they think. I know what they want, how they feel, and what they will do. It's interesting to me how I started with one main female character as my center, and have now branched out to understand the thoughts and feelings of other main characters. I also have traveled down lines of quite a few minor characters that make my main characters who they are.

I am excited to say that I now know where the part that I am working on will go and how it will fit with everything else. I don't think that everyone goes about writing a novel this way, but it seems to be working for me. I started in the middle. Wrote the end. Then I went back to the beginning. Now I am writing the three-quarter spot. Crazy.

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