Tuesday, December 4, 2012
America's Next Author - In Review
Not only did people see my writing, but I went out to several local (and not so local) businesses and talked to people. Another thing I'm not so strong at. (One reason I wanted to write when I was young). I now see my faulty thinking in that. Of course, when I am actually writing, I do not need to interact with people. However, if I want people to read my stuff, I now know I do - and a lot.
Next I need to send out some serious thanks! First to my husband, Rob, who I sent to work with instructions to make everyone he worked with read my story and vote. I could not have done this well without him. Thank you to everyone who reviewed my story. Your input will help me become a better writer. Thank you to everyone who voted, shared, tweeted, and asked friends to vote too!
-My biggest complaint about the competition is I am still not sure how the votes were tabulated. I know they stated the reason being for that is that no one could cheat. However, it would have at least been helpful to see how many quick votes everyone had. I am guessing this had the biggest effect and in the weeks where I was in the top 20, I think being able to say "I am 50 votes behind number one" would have helped reach more readers. Just a thought.
-I also did not like that the voting started a new every week, but it didn't seem to in all respects. I guess I just wished that I had understood the voting system better.
What next? Well I am going to read, vote, and review all of the finalists starting Wednesday. I would like to read what I lost against and help (who I feel to be) the best writer win. I encourage anyone who reads this to do the same.
Next next? I will go back to the novel I was writing before NaNoWriMo. No I didn't even come close to winning. However, I do like where my NaNo novel was going, and I suspect that I will finish that some day too.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Reaction to Reviews
1. I proof read this piece over and over again. If there is a misspelled/misused word, incorrect punctuation, or something else, I obviously missed it. I'm sorry. No one is perfect. If it bothers you or you want to help me improve my writing, please email me at tinarazz@yahoo.com and tell me where the errors are, I will be happy to fix them. I too, have not earned a single penny from writing and cannot afford to pay someone to edit my work.
2. This is NOT part of some larger story. I have had many people say that they would like, "more". There is no more. I also do not feel that it ended abruptly, 911 was obviously called, the little boy was secluded from everyone else, and we find out he likes fire trucks. Does it really matter where the knife hit the clown, how serious his injuries were, if he is alive?
3. I too, have worked with individuals who have autism. I am sorry if this specific story upsets anyone. This is one, FICTIONAL, character. He in no way represents anyone I have ever known or heard of. I did not set out to scare anyone, but rather illustrate how misunderstood he is by the people around him, including his parents. There are many people who are misunderstood in the world. I just wanted the opportunity to get inside this particular character's head.
Well that just about covers it. I miss the ability to have the dialog with my readers. I appreciate feedback. It means someone cared.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Day 6
I am also officially working on promoting my story, "Counting Blows" in the America's Next Author Competition. If you read this blog post: please read my story, vote, review, tweet, like on Facebook and ask others to do the same. Thanks!
Monday, November 5, 2012
NaNoWriMo - Day 5
In other NaNo news, I am super stoked for the Rolla Write-in at the Rolla Public Library this Saturday! I'm hoping to catch up on the day I missed, and get ahead. It's from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. I should well exceed my daily goal, with ease. It generally only takes about an hour to get to my daily goal.
Also, I am really liking Scrivner. I specifically like the count up to daily word goal and color changing graph. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing something as I go. When I "win" NaNoWriMo, I will use my coupon from them to buy this product. I love it! A little motivation goes a long way for me.
America's Next Author Update: I have taken the week off and am sitting somewhere in the 70's. Promotion is hard, and exhausting. I will push again next week; I think. I just needed a week to not pour my heart and soul into it. So if you read this, please prepare now to help me get to number one next week. How? Idk Mentally is fine.
Daylight saving time: I hate it. Almost dark at 5pm. I'm going to have to start waking up earlier to take in as much daylight as possible. :( boo
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
October started the America's Next Author contest. I have done well, and it's not over, but I'm exhausted, both emotionally and resourcefully. All of my friends, and their friends, to the best of their abilities have voted, shared, reviewed, FB liked and the rest. I have printed flyers, talked to businesses, talked to people, joined craigslist, tweeted, written more than a few too many FB posts and emails. Everyone has been great to me. My highest place so far is 4th of 285! Which made me feel like a million bucks. No, I'm not giving up, but I know better than to put all of my eggs in one basket, and too much of my heart, soul, and efforts this month have been in that contest. So, I'm going to stop worrying. Stop looking at my page every day. And start something new.
November starts National Novel Writer's Month. I've got the t-shirt. I've got the merit-badge buttons. I've got Scrivener. I've got a playlist (which still needs to be synced with my ipod). I've got a region (well I'm hovering in between two). Springfield is closest, but it's still over an hour away, so I've joined the Missouri: elsewhere also (hoping to find activities closer). And I did! There will be a write-in in Rolla, which I will be excitedly (nervously- it's me) attending. I also hope to get to a write-in in Springfield, though being out of town a week (including two weekends) hinders that a bit. I hope this will help teach me discipline and just what it takes to pump out a novel like the pro's.
So here goes nothing. Keep voting/sharing. Keep writing. Keep dreaming.
Friday, October 26, 2012
My heart is melting
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Prepping & Moving Up
No, I'm not a doomsday prepper. I do like to watch the show sometimes and then I contemplate the fact that maybe I should be more prepared. For what? Armageddon, end of the Mayan Calendar, tornados (more realistic here is Misery - I mean, Missouri), Nuclear War, whatever might come up. Anyway, I haven not been doing that. I have been continuing to prep for National Novel Writer's Month (NaNoWriMo). Today, on my regional forum (the location of which is debatable because of my distance to anywhere) I found "Writing Tools". Within this post is a program called Scrivener, and there is a free trial specially for people participating in NaNoWriMo. I have downloaded it and gone through the tutorial. I am going to set it up on my mini laptop and see if I can become comfortable enough with it to use for the month. (both the program and my mini laptop). It's the perfect size to throw in a bag and carry along with me -the laptop. I am also coming along on my playlist. I am close to 80 songs. I am hoping once I get to an "end", that I will be able to group them by idea/topic/theme/tone and put them into Scrivener somehow (at least the lists). We'll see. I'm also hoping I can do the same with my NaNoWriMo pinterest board. Again, we'll see.
Moving Up:
I am now in 17th place in the America's Next Author Competition! That means that my face shows up on the first page of author rankings! If it sounds conceited, fine, but that's not why I'm so excited. For one, I have awesome friends who are voting and sharing and tweeting, and being awesome. For two, now, more people than ever will see it and may stumble upon it, because in theory, it's one of the best -I mean it's on the first page! So thank you friends!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
A little bit of this
1. The America's Next Author contest is confusing me. I went from 24th to 129th place overnight. I have no idea how to bounce back. I thought once the ranking reset, people could vote again, but this is not the case. Personally, I think the votes should be cumulative if people cannot vote every week. It was my understanding that they could. So, I'm frustrated and I'm sure I am not the only one.
2. Besides my frustration, I'm happy with all of the positive commentary on my story. I appreciate my friends and their friends for all of the support. Win, lose, or somewhere oddly in between, my confidence is growing and I'm excited to continue to work on new things.
3. NaNoWriMo Playlist: It's coming along nicely. I keep adding new songs to it daily and once I am done, I will try to put them in a useful order. I'm excited for this story because the character is unique and I look forward to the dark side of this novel.
4. I've been thinking about making "Counting Blows" a longer piece. It makes me nervous because now that people like it, I don't want to upset anyone with how he turns out. I like the quirky, wondrous nature of little Steven and of the story. I will continue to think on this for all of my (dare I say it) fans.
5. I still haven't heard anything from two of the agents I sent my novel to. The first two rejections came quickly. This waiting is daunting.
6. Book two is in a good place. Well, it's been at a standstill of sorts while I try to promote "Counting Blows" and get ready for NaNoWriMo. However, when I'm ready to jump back at it, which I'm guessing will be after the new year, it will be in a good place to go.
7. Completely random: I need a haircut and the shirt I put on this morning is fading colors in random spots.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Putting Myself Out There
Thursday, October 11, 2012
NaNoWriMo Playlist
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
. . .and we're off!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Submission Sunday Success
I submitted the SF story, that will be part of my second novel (in some way), once I get to writing that part of it. It's called "First Jump" and I submitted it to the Pop Fiction Competition that Writer's Digest does. Won't know anything about the outcome of that until the end of December.
America's Next Author starts next week. Get pumped up! I know I am!
Friday, October 5, 2012
America's Next Author
I am super nervous and excited. I just hope this isn't like how as a 9th grader I thought if I dressed cool enough I would suddenly become popular or how I would bring plaid pants in style. Damn I did love those pants though.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
NaNoWriMo: What I ordered
Monday, October 1, 2012
#SubmissionSunday turns #SubmissionMonday, sounds like BDSM
Friday, September 28, 2012
America's Next Author
http://www.ebookmall.com/americasnextauthor |
Thursday, September 27, 2012
November Neurosis
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A word on #WordCountWednesday
A Glimpse into my Office
This is one of the many pics hanging on the wall in my office. My dad took it back in the day when he was going to school for art.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The reason I bring it up: I wrote a short short this morning, based on fact that is honest. (Now look, I am already justifying this.) I didn't lie, I didn't judge, I just stated fact. However, I know that pointing out someones pudge is not nice. I actually even feel bad in my head when I do it. To be fair, it's more that I feel bad for doing it, because I realize that other's probably do it to/at me in their head as well, and I'm embarrassed for me. I do it to myself too; I've just gotten to the point of realizing that I shouldn't care what others think of me. Which is why I sing and dance in my car. I mean if people are going to laugh at or judge me, I might as well have fun while they're doing it.
Did I write about you today? Most likely not. We (the person I wrote about and I) do not know each other. However, I'm fairly certain, this person would recognize themselves if they read it. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, this person has no idea I have a blog.
Question: Is it mean to notice or state the obvious? Like if someone is overweight, is that mean to notice? Doesn't a good biographer include all the facts about a person and not just the nice ones?
In response to myself: I have tried to change observations around to make it "separate but equal" and still amusing or realistic or whatever. It never works out right.
Let's make a deal: I won't judge you for noticing my flaws/quirks and visa versa.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Challenge Accepted
A) Because I am impatient waiting for my queries to come back to me.
B) I want to be published somewhere/people to read what I write
C) I want to be able to claim that I've been published
Yes, I do realize that that this challenge will not help with point "A". It's merely meant to distract and inspire (ignite the flame under my butt). I have plenty of short stories that I think are genius. I will share them with the world.
Official rules: Submit one story per week by Sunday 11:59pm. Can be submitted to a contest, online publication, print publication, or if I really can't find anywhere else, I deem it appropriate to "submit" to my own blog. Also, I challenge anyone else who wants to be published to partake in this challenge with me, including (if all else fails) to submit to my blog. With that, I assure you whatever readership I have, you have, and your work is just that, yours. I will never claim to own it or have written it, or whatever.
So there it is. Here I go. On Sunday.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Short Short Writing Competition
A) It's fun to say.
B) I totally enjoy the satisfaction of finishing something and being amused by it.
Now comes the challenge: I have proven to myself that I can get rejected without paying for it. Is it worth $20 to be rejected and not even get the rejection letter? (At least I don't think I do). I know, I won't know unless I try. And at under 800 words, the reward would be great for so little work (but a lot of sheer genius) Isn't sheer genius the point of writing? (Or is that hard work?) BOTH!
Sorry, the story I just wrote is stream of consciousness and I'm having a hard time coming out of it.
In random otherness: blogger has updated itself. I'm indifferent at the moment. It looks different, whiter perhaps. Shades of white(ish), part is gray.
People Helping People
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Rejection #2
Thanks for your query. You're very welcome.
As to your material I'm afraid I will be passing -- I'm just not enthusiastic enough about the concept of your story to feel that I'd be the right agent for the project. I'm sad that you are not enthusiastic about it. I am. I think it's great. However, thank you for being honest. I wouldn't want an agent who thought my idea was mediocre trying to sell it.
Sorry I couldn't give you a more positive reply. I'm sorry too.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Some days I have it
Friday, August 31, 2012
It's official!
Friday, August 24, 2012
End of the Year - Minimum Word Count Goal
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Writing Contest
Y) Hazelnut coffee = so good though
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
I wish I could draw/paint/do any sort of visual art
Monday, August 20, 2012
It's out of my hands.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Email Queries Sent
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
It's started
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Organizing My Thoughts
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Outline Complete
Friday, July 27, 2012
Genre study
I started reading it awhile ago, but never finished. I'm not sure why.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Printing . . .
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Light at the top of the tunnel!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
just keep writing . . .
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Part 3 has begun!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Back on Track
Friday, March 23, 2012
Cut and Paste
These days when the term "cut and paste" comes up, we think of computers. "Ctrl + C", "Ctrl + V", and if we want to be really daring, "Ctrl + X". However, last night I began to combine the 'old school' (yes literally cutting paper using scissors) and new school (computer) versions of the term 'cut and paste'. I needed a better visual than my computer could give me. I love computers and all technology, but sometimes I need to see the new way and the old way combined before it gets blurred together neatly on a computer screen. Think about it. You cut and paste in a word processing program, and poof where does the old meet the new? Did you get it in the right location? Better read over it to make sure. With scissors and paper, there is that non-straight edge and staple to show me where the change is. No need for crazy scrolling madness to figure it out.
(until I misplace the paper - yes unfortunately that did happen)
Monday, March 19, 2012
- something new every day
Today I have come to a conclusion that defies every desire I have. I have read (in several different books on writing ) that it would happen. I refused to believe it possible. One author said it was common to throw out the first hundred pages that are written. Another said after the first draft is written, the second draft was a complete overhaul. I don't know why I thought I would be above that. I am not. The first part I wrote needs to be totally rewritten. I have found some diamonds in the rough, but mostly it's coal. I also half-hazardly added flashbacks that need to be removed from where they are and reinserted in more pertinent locations.
Oh, and another layer of my novel (yes the third perspective) is in the works. It will be the missing link (I think). So while my first draft was in a sense complete, the second draft will include a whole new part that my subconscious is currently working out the details. Right now I have very little conscious idea how it will be written.