Tuesday, December 4, 2012

America's Next Author - In Review

Overall:  Good -- I put my writing out there.  That's the hardest thing for me.  I'm so afraid of rejection (which being a writer, one must expect and embrace).  Understanding and acceptance of this fact are two very different things.

Not only did people see my writing, but I went out to several local (and not so local) businesses and talked to people.  Another thing I'm not so strong at.  (One reason I wanted to write when I was young).  I now see my faulty thinking in that.  Of course, when I am actually writing, I do not need to interact with people.  However, if I want people to read my stuff, I now know I do - and a lot.

Next I need to send out some serious thanks!  First to my husband, Rob, who I sent to work with instructions to make everyone he worked with read my story and vote.  I could not have done this well without him.  Thank you to everyone who reviewed my story.  Your input will help me become a better writer.  Thank you to everyone who voted, shared, tweeted, and asked friends to vote too!

-My biggest complaint about the competition is I am still not sure how the votes were tabulated.  I know they stated the reason being for that is that no one could cheat.  However, it would have at least been helpful to see how many quick votes everyone had.  I am guessing this had the biggest effect and in the weeks where I was in the top 20, I think being able to say "I am 50 votes behind number one" would have helped reach more readers.  Just a thought.
-I also did not like that the voting started a new every week, but it didn't seem to in all respects.  I guess I just wished that I had understood the voting system better.

What next?  Well I am going to read, vote, and review all of the finalists starting Wednesday.  I would like to read what I lost against and help (who I feel to be) the best writer win.  I encourage anyone who reads this to do the same.

Next next?  I will go back to the novel I was writing before NaNoWriMo.  No I didn't even come close to winning.  However, I do like where my NaNo novel was going, and I suspect that I will finish that some day too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reaction to Reviews

The America's Next Author contest is coming to a close with this week as the last to secure a nomination or wild card spot (however one get's that).  I have gotten mostly positive feedback, which makes me feel amazing and sends me smiling ear to ear, especially if someone gives specific positive feedback.  Negative feedback on the other hand sends waves of irritation streaming through my blood.  There were only a couple that were negative, and after being in multiple creative writing workshops in my life, I have the innate need to defend my work.  I've been letting this simmer for a couple of weeks now and I think it's time to share.

1.  I proof read this piece over and over again.  If there is a misspelled/misused word, incorrect punctuation, or something else, I obviously missed it.  I'm sorry.  No one is perfect.  If it bothers you or you want to help me improve my writing, please email me at tinarazz@yahoo.com and tell me where the errors are, I will be happy to fix them.  I too, have not earned a single penny from writing and cannot afford to pay someone to edit my work.

2.  This is NOT part of some larger story.  I have had many people say that they would like, "more".  There is no more.  I also do not feel that it ended abruptly, 911 was obviously called, the little boy was secluded from everyone else, and we find out he likes fire trucks.  Does it really matter where the knife hit the clown, how serious his injuries were, if he is alive?

3.  I too, have worked with individuals who have autism.  I am sorry if this specific story upsets anyone.  This is one, FICTIONAL, character.  He in no way represents anyone I have ever known or heard of.  I did not set out to scare anyone, but rather illustrate how misunderstood he is by the people around him, including his parents.  There are many people who are misunderstood in the world.  I just wanted the opportunity to get inside this particular character's head.

Well that just about covers it.  I miss the ability to have the dialog with my readers.  I appreciate feedback.  It means someone cared.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6

It's day six and I am working hard on earning my NaNo merit badges.  Today I earned my procrastination badge by cleaning instead of writing.  This was a bad choice because then the dog brought in dirt on my newly cleaned floor.  Worth it?  That's debatable.  However, I did end up writing my daily goal.

I am also officially working on promoting my story, "Counting Blows" in the America's Next Author Competition.  If you read this blog post:  please read my story, vote, review, tweet, like on Facebook and ask others to do the same.  Thanks!


Monday, November 5, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 5

I've written over my goal 4 of 5 days and not written at all one day.  I did not write a lot over my goal, but if I sat down to write, I made the daily goal mark.  Today I went to Panera to write.  Coffee with free refills?  I'll take it.  Not to mention that I earned (by spending too much money at Panera) a free espresso drink!  So, score on that, looks like I'll go pick that up and write more later this week.

In other NaNo news, I am super stoked for the Rolla Write-in at the Rolla Public Library this Saturday!  I'm hoping to catch up on the day I missed, and get ahead.  It's from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.  I should well exceed my daily goal, with ease.  It generally only takes about an hour to get to my daily goal.

Also, I am really liking Scrivner.  I specifically like the count up to daily word goal and color changing graph. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing something as I go.  When I "win" NaNoWriMo, I will use my coupon from them to buy this product.  I love it!  A little motivation goes a long way for me.

America's Next Author Update:  I have taken the week off and am sitting somewhere in the 70's.  Promotion is hard, and exhausting.  I will push again next week; I think.  I just needed a week to not pour my heart and soul into it.  So if you read this, please prepare now to help me get to number one next week.  How?  Idk Mentally is fine.

Daylight saving time:  I hate it.  Almost dark at 5pm.  I'm going to have to start waking up earlier to take in as much daylight as possible. :( boo

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Ya win some.  Ya lose some.  But if you look at it through the door, between the cracks, squinting just right, you will learn something about yourself and about life.  I'm talking about specifically, all of the new writing journeys that I have been, and will continue to explore.  It's not an easy road.  I never believed it would be.  It's too early for a yearly re-cap (that will come in December).  But with October ending, and November beginning it only seems apropos to reflect and look ahead.

October started the America's Next Author contest.  I have done well, and it's not over, but I'm exhausted, both emotionally and resourcefully.  All of my friends, and their friends, to the best of their abilities have voted, shared, reviewed, FB liked and the rest.  I have printed flyers, talked to businesses, talked to people, joined craigslist, tweeted, written more than a few too many FB posts and emails.  Everyone has been great to me.  My highest place so far is 4th of 285!  Which made me feel like a million bucks.  No, I'm not giving up, but I know better than to put all of my eggs in one basket, and too much of my heart, soul, and efforts this month have been in that contest.  So, I'm going to stop worrying.  Stop looking at my page every day.  And start something new.

November starts National Novel Writer's Month.  I've got the t-shirt.  I've got the merit-badge buttons.  I've got Scrivener.  I've got a playlist (which still needs to be synced with my ipod).  I've got a region (well I'm hovering in between two).  Springfield is closest, but it's still over an hour away, so I've joined the Missouri: elsewhere also (hoping to find activities closer).  And I did!  There will be a write-in in Rolla, which I will be excitedly (nervously- it's me) attending.  I also hope to get to a write-in in Springfield, though being out of town a week (including two weekends) hinders that a bit.  I hope this will help teach me discipline  and just what it takes to pump out a novel like the pro's.

So here goes nothing.  Keep voting/sharing.  Keep writing.  Keep dreaming.

Friday, October 26, 2012

My heart is melting

In a good way.  Today when the ranks updated, I found I had climbed to 8th place!  I have gotten support from people who I adore and my face continues to redden as I type this.  I keep having to bring myself down to reality in order to keep focused at the task at hand:  promotion, promotion, promotion!  I shudder to think what my physiological reaction will be the day I get an agent or (gasp) a novel signed with a publisher.  Thanks for making my day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today is a good day!  I woke up to find that I am currently ranked 4 of 285 in the America's Next Writer Competition.  It's only because I have the support of some awesome people that this is the case.  Thank you all.  Because I know that you all are trying to help me, I have re-made (as a picture so blogger would insert it onto this page) my vote for Tina sign.  I am asking anyone who is willing, to print off a couple (quick print is fine with me - it's how I save  ink) and hang them up.  I've placed a few at the local Panera Bread.  I am also thinking of heading out to my local library to ask them.  Other ideas:  If you work some place you could hang it there.  If you teach, hang it in your classroom.  If you are in a class, ask your teacher to hang it.  If you go to a coffee shop, book store, library, car mechanic(?) ask if you can hang it up.  My only request, is that you have permission to do so.  Tell them a little bit about the contest and me.  I appreciate any and all help you can give.  


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prepping & Moving Up

No, I'm not a doomsday prepper.  I do like to watch the show sometimes and then I contemplate the fact that maybe I should be more prepared. For what?  Armageddon, end of the Mayan Calendar, tornados (more realistic here is Misery - I mean, Missouri), Nuclear War, whatever might come up.   Anyway, I haven not been doing that.  I have been continuing to prep for National Novel Writer's Month (NaNoWriMo).  Today, on my regional forum (the location of which is debatable because of my distance to anywhere) I found "Writing Tools".  Within this post is a program called Scrivener, and there is a free trial specially for people participating in NaNoWriMo.  I have downloaded it and gone through the tutorial.  I am going to set it up on my mini laptop and see if I can become comfortable enough with it to use for the month.  (both the program and my mini laptop).  It's the perfect size to throw in a bag and carry along with me -the laptop.  I am also coming along on my playlist.  I am close to 80 songs.  I am hoping once I get to an "end", that I will be able to group them by idea/topic/theme/tone and put them into Scrivener somehow (at least the lists).  We'll see.  I'm also hoping I can do the same with my NaNoWriMo pinterest board.  Again, we'll see.

Moving Up:
I am now in 17th place in the America's Next Author Competition!  That means that my face shows up on the first page of author rankings!  If it sounds conceited, fine, but that's not why I'm so excited.  For one, I have awesome friends who are voting and sharing and tweeting, and being awesome.  For two, now, more people than ever will see it and may stumble upon it, because in theory, it's one of the best -I mean it's on the first page!  So thank you friends!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


My confusion about the America's Next Author contest has been resolved.  I sent a message and asked how my ranking feel so fast and promptly got a response stating that after a couple days, the ranking should sort itself out - and it has.  I did drop a few spots - I'm not in 28th.  However, we can bounce back from that!  Share my cause with everyone you know!

A little bit of this

and that.

1.  The America's Next Author contest is confusing me.  I went from 24th to 129th place overnight.  I have no idea how to bounce back.  I thought once the ranking reset, people could vote again, but this is not the case.  Personally, I think the votes should be cumulative if people cannot vote every week.  It was my understanding that they could.  So, I'm frustrated and I'm sure I am  not the only one.

2.  Besides my frustration, I'm happy with all of the positive commentary on my story.  I appreciate my friends and their friends for all of the support.  Win, lose, or somewhere oddly in between, my confidence is growing and I'm excited to continue to work on new things.

3.  NaNoWriMo Playlist:  It's coming along nicely.  I keep adding new songs to it daily and once I am done, I will try to put them in a useful order.  I'm excited for this story because the character is unique and I look forward to the dark side of this novel.

4.  I've been thinking about making "Counting Blows" a longer piece.  It makes me nervous because now that people like it, I don't want to upset anyone with how he turns out.  I like the quirky, wondrous nature of little Steven and of the story.  I will continue to think on this for all of my (dare I say it) fans.

5.  I still haven't heard anything from two of the agents I sent my novel to.  The first two rejections came quickly.  This waiting is daunting.

6.  Book two is in a good place.  Well, it's been at a standstill of sorts while I try to promote "Counting Blows" and get ready for NaNoWriMo.  However, when I'm ready to jump back at it, which I'm guessing will be after the new year, it will be in a good place to go.

7.  Completely random:  I need a haircut and the shirt I put on this morning is fading colors in random spots.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Putting Myself Out There

A few days ago, I called upon my High School graduating class to vote for my story in the America's Next Author contest.  Then today I asked my whole town, both via Facebook.  Since the contest is a social media contest, I am trying to find my votes through social media.  I know that in order to get a nomination, I will have to reach farther and wider.  Self promotion is not something I have ever thought too much of before.  It's a new concept to me, but honestly it's going really well.  I have had a lot of positive reception to my story and it's helping me push my comfort zone.  I believe this competition is prepping me for my future because I'm beginning to realize that when the time comes to publish a novel, I will have to self promote.  In fact, even something like trying to get an agent requires a level of self promotion.  So while today is Sunday and #SubmissionSunday isn't happening in the traditional sense perhaps, I am basically submitting my story to a variety of individuals hoping many will like it and vote.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

NaNoWriMo Playlist

So today I've been working on a list of songs to help me get into the mood for different parts of my novel for November.  This will be in place of an outline.  I have the artist, song, and a description of what might happen.  It's all out of order right now.  I already have about 40 songs and I am not half done; I'm sure.  I will try to post the total list before November.  If I don't, I probably won't happen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

. . .and we're off!

Off to quite a start in the America's Next Author competition, that is.  Earlier today, I posted on Facebook that the voting was underway.  I have been working hard to get the word out.  I have never been very inclined to at promote myself, but this is something I really want.  I have a couple awesome people who have already left reviews and I greatly appreciate it.  I also know that some people have FB "liked"  my author page, which also counts towards my popularity (I mean "Counting Blows" popularity).  :)  I've already sent out a first wave of private messages and pleas to family members to read, vote, and share with everyone they know.  If you are reading this blog, please do the same.  I really would like to get to the point in the competition where people who don't know me have heard about me, are reading my story, and (fingers crossed) liking it.  I realize this is up to me, which is why in the middle of this post (right here in fact) I stopped writing and asked the people in my "local" NaNoWriMo group to read my story.  No fear.  No shame.  This is only the beginning 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Submission Sunday Success

Oh I love the alliteration of that title.

I submitted the SF story, that will be part of my second novel (in some way), once I get to writing that part of it.  It's called "First Jump" and I submitted it to the Pop Fiction Competition that Writer's Digest does.  Won't know anything about the outcome of that until the end of December.

America's Next Author starts next week.  Get pumped up!  I know I am!

Friday, October 5, 2012

America's Next Author

My story was officially accepted as a contestant in the America's Next Author competition!  The voting starts on Tuesday here:  http://www.ebookmall.com/americasnextauthor.  The site doesn't go up until that day.  Until I can see it, I am not sure how to direct anyone to find my story, other than to search my name . . .  Once Tuesday comes, I will *hopefully* post a direct link to it.

I am super nervous and excited.  I just hope this isn't like how as a 9th grader I thought if I dressed cool enough I would suddenly become popular or how I would bring plaid pants in style.  Damn I did love those pants though.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Glimpse into my office - round 2

This is Dakota.  He is the epitome of a loyal dog.  He lays next to me in the office when I write.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NaNoWriMo: What I ordered

1.  T-shirt.
Why?  You can't wear a t-shirt for something you didn't participate in without everyone asking how you are doing/did.  This is motivation to write like I've never before, because it's a cool t-shirt.

2.  Merit Badge pins.
Why?  They aren't just pins!  They're challenges to earn!  I am not volunteering with the Girl Scouts for nothing!  I loved earning badges . . . I still do!

Monday, October 1, 2012

#SubmissionSunday turns #SubmissionMonday, sounds like BDSM

50 Shades of Grey may have ruined the word submission for me.  Anyway, that’s not what this post is about.

I turned in my story called, "Counting Blows" for the America's Next Author competition.  It's basically a social media contest, and starting next week I will officially be begging for people to read and vote for me.  This is extremely scary considering I have 8 followers on here and 20 on twitter.  I have a few more Facebook friends.  However, I do know several people who have read this here blog, and told me it amused them.  It will be all of you that I will be calling on to help me.  

I apologize in advance for my unrelenting posts, messages, and such that I send out.  If you will be so kind to share them, I'd be grateful like never before.  This is, the first time, anything I've written will be free for anyone to read so openly.  The contest starts on October 9th, and assuming it's allowed in (which I think is basically every story that meets the criteria, that's when I will need you all to start voting.  I'll keep you posted.  

Friday, September 28, 2012

America's Next Author

It's a social media writing contest, America's Next Author, where YOU can vote for your favorite.  I am currently re-working a story I wrote a couple of years ago to fit into the guidelines.  (I think) I submitted (the old version) of it somewhere before, but it was the ONLY story I've ever written that Rob (my husband - who isn't huge of fiction) laughed out loud when he read it.  The coolest thing about the contest, anyone can read my story, leave feedback and/or vote for it.  For one contest, I can get my quirky writer self out there to everyone who's willing to read it.  

I've had to extend the story, since I originally wrote it with a word limit of 1,000 words and this story has to be 2,500 - 5,000 words.  The main character is the epitome of all of my best characters, odd but worthy of sympathy.  Reading and voting starts October 9th, so I will put all that info up when the time comes.  However, below is a link to the site if you are interested in checking it out.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

November Neurosis

Yesterday I began writing on a topic that had been in my head for a while, just churning away.  It's been on the (proverbial) tip of my brain and yesterday she finally decided to show herself.  She?  Yes, the neurotic character that hasn't (until yesterday) fully revealed herself, yet wouldn't leave me alone.  

This led me to an interesting thought last night as I drifted off to sleep:  Is it possible that writers/people who write (some of us anyway) have multiple personality disorder, but can control it and put it on paper rather than physically live it out?  Conversely, is it that people with multiple personality disorder just can't filter the characters in their head out in any other way?  Weird, right?  This reminds me of a creative writing teacher I had in college.  We had a discussion in class about how writing is like an obsession.  That it's not always something we want to do.  In fact, sometimes we don't even like it.  I found the conversation strange because I think I like writing.  However, my characters and their stories are never pre-planned.  I never know what they are going to do or why they do it, until it's done.  

Why November?  I would like to try NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - for anyone not in the know).  I've decided I would like to try and tell her story during that time.  The only thing I'm worried about, is that when I write, I have a hard time forcing it.  It (the story) either comes, or it doesn't.  I rationalize it that it's the character telling me his/her story or choosing not to.  I hope by telling her (my character) that she will have my (mostly) undivided attention for a month, she will keep it coming.  

Before you get all concerned (I think) I'm just personifying my characters.  I'm not crazy.  No.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A word on #WordCountWednesday

I have changed my mind to include words written not only for my novel, but any words written toward any publishable work.  Still not including my blog.  Though, some days I write more words here, than anywhere. This change coincides with #SubmissionSunday and the need for some fresh material to submit.

A Glimpse into my Office

"A Glimpse into my Office" is a new series where I will randomly post a picture of something in my office.  

I recently made a gallery wall in my office.  It's all black and white to match the office theme.

This is one of the many pics hanging on the wall in my office.  My dad took it back in the day when he was going to school for art.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I think, that most people think of me as a nice person.  I, however, may just be really good at the "time and place" principle.  I wonder if everyone has that running commentary inside their head, unleashed noticing, sarcasm and criticism.  Yes?

The reason I bring it up:  I wrote a short short this morning, based on fact that is honest.  (Now look, I am already justifying this.)  I didn't lie, I didn't judge, I just stated fact.  However, I know that pointing out someones pudge is not nice.  I actually even feel bad in my head when I do it.  To be fair, it's more that I feel bad for doing it, because I realize that other's probably do it to/at me in their head as well, and I'm embarrassed for me.  I do it to myself too; I've just gotten to the point of realizing that I shouldn't care what others think of me.  Which is why I sing and dance in my car.  I mean if people are going to laugh at or judge me, I might as well have fun while they're doing it.

Did I write about you today?  Most likely not.  We (the person I wrote about and I) do not know each other.  However, I'm fairly certain, this person would recognize themselves if they read it.  In fact, to the best of my knowledge, this person has no idea I have a blog.

Question:  Is it mean to notice or state the obvious?  Like if someone is overweight, is that mean to notice?  Doesn't a good biographer include all the facts about a person and not just the nice ones?

In response to myself:  I have tried to change observations around to make it "separate but equal" and still amusing or realistic or whatever.  It never works out right.

Let's make a deal:  I won't judge you for noticing my flaws/quirks and visa versa.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Challenge Accepted

Ok, I just challenged myself to submit one thing per week through the end of the year.  I actually came up with the terms as I typed that last sentence out.  I'll call it, #SubmissionSunday.  (Also just thought that up).  Boo-ya!


A)  Because I am impatient waiting for my queries to come back to me.
B)  I want to be published somewhere/people to read what I write
C)  I want to be able to claim that I've been published

Yes, I do realize that that this challenge will not help with point "A".  It's merely meant to distract and inspire (ignite the flame under my butt).  I have plenty of short stories that I think are genius.  I will share them with the world.

Official rules:  Submit one story per week by Sunday 11:59pm.  Can be submitted to a contest, online publication, print publication, or if I really can't find anywhere else, I deem it appropriate to "submit" to my own blog.  Also, I challenge anyone else who wants to be published to partake in this challenge with me, including (if all else fails) to submit to my blog.  With that, I assure you whatever readership I have, you have, and your work is just that, yours.  I will never claim to own it or have written it, or whatever.

So there it is.  Here I go. On Sunday.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Short Short Writing Competition

Yup, I wrote a short short today for the Writer's Digest Short Short competition.  I love short shorts because
A)  It's fun to say.
B)  I totally enjoy the satisfaction of finishing something and being amused by it.

Now comes the challenge:  I have proven to myself that I can get rejected without paying for it.  Is it worth $20 to be rejected and not even get the rejection letter?  (At least I don't think I do).  I know, I won't know unless I try.  And at under 800 words, the reward would be great for so little work (but a lot of sheer genius)  Isn't sheer genius the point of writing?  (Or is that hard work?)  BOTH!

Sorry, the story I just wrote is stream of consciousness and I'm having a hard time coming out of it.

In random otherness:  blogger has updated itself.  I'm indifferent at the moment.  It looks different, whiter perhaps.  Shades of white(ish), part is gray.

People Helping People

The following is a letter from my brother.  He is looking for contributions to support a co-worker in her fight against cancer.  Please help if possible, share if not.

July 21, 2012
Dear Friends and Family,

Over the next two months, I will be training to prepare for Team In Training’s (TNT) Nike Women’s Marathon which is a 13.1 mile run on October 14th! TNT is a nonprofit endurance training program that benefits The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). I have set my sights higher than just training for a half marathon, though. I also aim to raise at least $2,500 to help find a cure for blood cancers, such as leukemia, myeloma, and Hodgkin’s disease.

The money I raise will pay for support groups, educational programs, and financial planning for afflicted families. It will also fund grants for doctors whom are working toward better treatments and a cure.  Their efforts are critical, because blood cancers kill more children in the United States than any other cancer and strike even more adults. An estimated 110,960 new cases of blood cancers will be diagnosed nationwide this year alone; some 55,100 patients will die.

Recently, my coworker, Pamela Wright, was diagnosed with Plasma Cell Leukemia. I cannot imagine the struggle that Pam and her family are going through, so the least I can do is support the cause and train for this event in her honor.

This is where, I’m hoping, you come in. Though I can do the training, I need your help to reach my fundraising goal. Every dollar you donate is tax-deductible and any donation, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated!

Contributions can be made online on my personal fundraising page: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sj/nikesf12/grazz2004

Thank you for your time in reading this and hopefully you will be able to help me on my journey in fighting against cancer.

Thank you in advance for your support! I truly appreciate it!

May the force be with you,

Garrett Rasmussen

Saturday, September 15, 2012


The writing contest I was going to send my story to with Writer's Digest has extended their deadline until October 31. I had procrastinated in sending it and was going to on the last day (which was yesterday). Now, however, I will mull over it longer I think. I want it to be perfect and distance helps me see it clearly. Though, I think it's pretty amazing.

In other news I have yet to hear anything about the other two queries that I sent out. This can only mean a couple of things:
A. They are super busy
B. They procrastinate
C. It's sitting on their desk and they are trying to decide (Let me help you - YOU WANT TO READ MORE OF IT!)

I've been lazy when it comes to writing. I've been Pinterest crazy lately and decorating for fall! I am also putting up a feature wall of black and white art in my office. It's looking awesome. My goal this week is to get back into the rhythm. I need to get the rest of these pics up on the wall first though.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rejection #2

Last night another rejection rolled into my inbox. It's funny; I don't want people to feel bad for me or happy for me (obviously). To me, it's a right of passage. I have to learn how to play the game. I knew going into these first queries, after finishing my first novel, that the only way to ever know how to join this group I've desperately wanted to be a part of for so long (published/established writers) was to jump in. I don't like jumping in, to anything. Maybe that's why I didn't progress in gymnastics farther - I always wanted to know the outcome of a new skill (ie. not get hurt) before I did it on my own. I would sabotage a skill, and sooner fall off -controlled- than go all out and hurt myself. I realize I can't do that now. Maybe it's wisdom that comes with age? haha

Ok so back to the rejection. It was better (in some ways) and worse (in other ways) than the first. Here it is. I have again left out who it was from and insert my feelings in another color.

Dear Ms. Morris: She used my name! Not a form letter. At least one worthy of adding my name.

Thanks for your query. You're very welcome.

As to your material I'm afraid I will be passing -- I'm just not enthusiastic enough about the concept of your story to feel that I'd be the right agent for the project. I'm sad that you are not enthusiastic about it. I am. I think it's great. However, thank you for being honest. I wouldn't want an agent who thought my idea was mediocre trying to sell it.

I realize it is difficult to judge your potential from a query; nevertheless please know that I give serious attention to every letter, outline, and writing sample I receive. Again, thank you for your serious attention. I agree that it must be difficult to judge a query. It was horrible to write. The book, in my opinion, outshines the query in every way. I will keep working on my query writing ability. Though, I hope you didn't miss a great opportunity to be my agent.

Sorry I couldn't give you a more positive reply. I'm sorry too.

Thanks for thinking of me, though, and best of luck in your search for representation. Thanks. I hope the luck helps. I know I will need it in this business.

Oh, and she signed her name. The real agent, really read it. (I think). That makes me feel good. To think that I was at least rejected by the person who potentially would represent me and not some third party.

So there it is. She didn't say anything mean; which I have heard has happened to people. Not that she strikes me as mean or someone to say mean things. But it wasn't harsh either. It seemed sincere. She must have a heart. I appreciate that. I could never have a job where I had to reject over a hundred people a week.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some days I have it

And some days I don't. Today feels like one of those days. At very least, this is not my time of day. Last night, I did some excellent writing. I wrote almost 1,000 words for my chapter/story that I want to enter for the @WritersDigest pop fiction contest. With a little over 1,000 possible words left to go, I'm within the realm of completing this goal.

Problem: my inner self has issues with letting my characters do dangerous/sad/complicated things. I sit on it, letting whatever the issue is churn until I reach that moment where it has to come out. I wouldn't call it writer's block, because I know what's going to happen. I know. It's almost like I know the future before it comes, and until I write it, it won't happen. Sounds crazy, right? Unless you write SF, then it sounds like a plot for a new story. haha

The other dilemma? Place is about to transform into character --> Conflict will become man vs nature for a time. This particular nature is new to the story, new to me, and new to the world at large. Ok, some people have worked within this realm, but not many. It's not like I'm taking my characters across the Atlantic or even through typical outer space. Which means here I have to develop the rules that will (with a bit of luck) dictate future space travel/time distortion for the rest of my novel(s). #SeriouslyExcitingStuff AND #SeriouslyScaryStuff. AKA: I don't want to screw it up.

Friday, August 31, 2012

It's official!

My novel got it's very first rejection letter in the mail. That was quick and dirty.

What? You thought someone wanted to see more? Not yet. Three more queries are still out in limbo.

It's funny. I saw my SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) in my mailbox and got super nervous. Hands shaking and shit. The weird part? I think I was more nervous that they would want to see more than the thought of straight up rejection. This may sound funny and counter to the fact that I really do want people to read what I write (and love it). I know I've mentioned this before, but my writing is the most me I can be. So, to share me with so many people is scary. Basically, it's easier to be rejected by one, than by a whole readership.

So, you want to know more about this rejection letter, right? Well, it's printed on high class off white paper that has the water mark firmly in the center. It has a classy letterhead with a super cool agency font. It is very tactful, and a form letter in every way. While I will not say who it is from, I will transcribe the body of the text into this blog to show yo what I mean. The type in red indicates my remarks. Here it is below:

Dear Author,
(I read it at least three times before I realized they didn't even put my name on it. However, and I quote, they called me an "Author". Hey, I'll take it!)

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look at your work.

With PERSON'S NAME full client list, she can only take on projects that are an absolutely perfect
fit and I'm afraid this isn't it.
(Not exactly sure how to take this, and I would read into it a lot more if it wasn't an obvious form letter; having little to do with whether it's style/idea/writing that isn't absolutely perfect. BUT without reading ANY of my story, it can't be my writing or style. Hell, it may not even be my idea, it may just have been they didn't like my query or I didn't summarize a novel well in less than two pages)

Thank you for sending us your query, and best wishes for you project's success.


On behalf of PERSON
(The agent I was interested in most likely didn't even see my query. This other person didn't think it was a fit. I wish I had known about OTHER PERSON, to see what she is interest in too.)

Needless to say, this may be a very tricky process. However, there is still a bunch of hope. I only need one agent, not four (or however many I end up sending out).

Friday, August 24, 2012

End of the Year - Minimum Word Count Goal

I have played with the numbers and came up with, what I believe to be, a realistic word count goal.

Here's the "math"

(minimum) 500 words per day X (minimum) 6 days per week X (approx) weeks left in the year = (minimum) 52,080 words

I expect to try (for the first time ever) NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). From what I gather, to succeed, one must write 50,000 words in November. I will be on a cruise that last week in November, so we'll see how that goes.

Is it possible?

A) To reach my minimum goal -- with ease. I can crank out 500 words in less than an hour. I just lose focus and get distracted.
B) NaNoWriMo -- apparently it is. Some people write well over 50,000 in the month, so if they can write well over, I should be able to do it in three weeks, technically.

I will keep #WordCountWednesdays going strong on twitter. I am already well prepped to beat out last weeks word count if I just keep up what I've done yesterday and today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Writing Contest

So, today on my Twitter feed, @WritersDigest informed me of the Pop fiction writing contest. So I thought:

A) What a great way to get my name out there - WIN the contest
B) I could use a section from my sequel novel and people will read it, love it, and want to read the novel
C) I know the perfect part to include
D) I need to write this perfect part
E) Parts of novels can be made into short stories - Ralf Ellison's "Battle Royal" From Invisible Man
F) 4,000 words? I can write that in a week or two
G) Can I make this list as long as the alphabet
H) Do I want to? (make it as long as the alphabet)
I) Challenge accepted.
J) If I win the whole thing, I get to go to NYC to the Writer's Digest Conference
K) And win $$$$
L) I really just want people to read my stuff
M) But, I would like to go shopping
N) Maybe I'll have an agent by then
O) Maybe my first novel will be in the process of being published by then
P) Maybe I'll still need both and it'll be a good opportunity to meet said people
Q) Or, I may not have either nor win
R) Quiet the negative thinking
S) I can do this (make it to the end of the alphabet)
T) I have lots of random thoughts
U) I should be writing this story/novel part
V) I should read the official contest rules
W) Read the rules, they retain one time publishing rights. Works for me.
X) I shouldn't have made the second cup of coffee
Y) Hazelnut coffee = so good though
Z) Sorry for the randomness (Sorry you read it - unless you're amused, then you're welcome)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I wish I could draw/paint/do any sort of visual art

I want to see the world I'm creating. I want to show it to others. I know, I know. I'm doing it through words. I can see it in my head. It's beautiful. It's alien. It's unique (?). It's familiar. Maybe some day, someone will paint it, do a charcoal rendition of it, or water colors perhaps. I will happily post these pictures on my blog. Someday, I will share my fan art with the world.

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's out of my hands.

The queries I had to mail are in the hands of the USPS now. I was no joke fighting tears on the way to the Post Office. Scary Stuff. It's my first real baby. I have sent a few short short stories, but it's not the same. This was a longer gestation period than a human baby, and I had to piece together the DNA bit by bit. Creator. I love it. I want to live in it. I am it.

I'm excited about "Book 2". It's way more fun than the first one, in terms of writing it. It's also harder, I think. I'm making even more up. Well basically a whole World with it's people, customs, traditions, landscapes, technology and such. Super awesome! I'm trying to immerse myself in this, so that I don't freak out for the next months(?) about how these agents will respond to me. Can't dwell in what I have no control over.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Email Queries Sent

First round queries out today and tomorrow. Since the Post Office is closed today, the snail mail ones have to wait a day.

In case you're wondering: I am a nervous wreck. So much so, that I'm sure one of the agents I sent a query to will reject me plainly because I didn't follow exact protocol. What did I do? I sent it to the wrong email address. I had the correct one written down, but typed it incorrectly. One would think that it just would get lost in cyberspace, never to be read or answered. But no, I immediately got an out of office reply to bring light to my error. It inadvertently was another one of her email addresses, just not the query one. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I don't have that one written down anywhere, just happened to be bad luck. I have corrected my mistake, but now the email has been sent twice - doah.

I've been slacking on my writing this weekend. The hubs and I went out Thursday night with friends, Friday the dogs had to go to the vet- poor Alex hates her temperature being taken, and Saturday I got The Hunger Games DVD! So, I have to play some catch up.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Yesterday, I thought up a new(?) concept: #WordCountWednesdays. The thought behind it is every Wednesday I will post my weekly word count on Twitter. As anyone who reads this knows, I started the sequel novel (to the book I'm about to send queries out for) on Tuesday. This is my way of holding myself accountable (to everyone) for working on it. It would be a lie if I didn't admit to being extremely distractable. My Pinterest account doesn't help that, nor does Facebook, Twitter, this blog or Yahoo news.

Anyway, I invite everyone interested to join me for #WordCountWednesdays. I am just including words I write for the novel but feel free to count any and all words you want to. I would love to make a cool graphic for everyone to post and share and shit. Sadly, I have no graphic artistic abilities. I invite anyone who is interested to make a graphic for us all. I will blog, Tweet, and Facebook about how great you are if you do.

I'm @tinarazz on Twitter, for those of you who want to follow. You can follow my blog to, I know I have a lot more page views. Go ahead, make it official.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's started

I can't freak out about my first book any longer, because I have officially started book 2. No, I haven't sent the queries out yet. My deadline (for myself) is Friday and I have someone looking over them for me at the moment. How far in to the second book? (You ask) 198 words. But, to be fair, I outlined what will probably be the whole first chapter before I started., I also did a bit of research, to make sure my science was or could be accurate.

In other news: Twitter baffles me. It seems like it may be the quick and dirty way to network with real life writers and audiences around the world. Which is awesome! I mean seriously. SERIOUSLY. However, I'm so green that I'm afraid I'm going to commit some faux pas that banishes me from the Twitter World. (Which is a totally fun alien world where we are all pretty blue birds that fly around tweeting.) Obviously.

Anyway, I'm going to make another cup of coffee and get back to writing.

Monday, August 13, 2012


It's come to my attention that some people who read my blog seem to think I am very hard on myself. I want to share with everyone something that my favorite author told me. (OK, he wrote it in a book and I read it - really it's the same thing) He said:

"Writers have to simultaneously believe the following two things:
1. The story I am now working on is the greatest work of genius ever written in English.
2. The story I am now working on is worthless drivel."

He suggests this is true because you need to believe #1 when you decide whether to mail a story out, #2 when revising the story, #1 when choosing where to submit it, #2 when it's rejected, and #1 when you send it back out again.

Orson Scott Card (my favorite author), speaks to my heart. I have always believed both of these, but being told that it's OK makes me feel slightly less crazy. So, now I hope it makes a bit more sense as to why I am harsh on myself. And I know what some of you may be thinking, "Tina, you don't act like you believe #1." My answer to you is this, by writing this blog and telling you that I wrote a novel and am getting ready to send it out to agents I am fulfilling that belief. I would never tell anyone, especially ALL of the internet (hey, they can read it if they want to) that I am writing a book if I didn't believe I was pretty damn fantastic, original, and that I will have a book on your hometown bookstore shelves some day soon.

The book I referred to above is: How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy -by Orson Scott Card. It's pretty amazing, as are all of the books by him that I have read.
How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I've broken down and gotten a Twitter account. I was amazed to see that the @tinarazz handle was free, so I grabbed it right up. I have little idea of what I'm doing, but with my query letters getting closer to complete, I figured it was time to follow, retweet, and be followed.
So go ahead and follow. Suggestions/criticisms? I'll take them.

Writing news:

-I have narrowed to four agents I will query. Two email. Two snail mail.
-I think my synopsis is too long, by about 8 1/2 pages? idk

Goal for the week: Get the queries out! AHHHHHHHH

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Yes, the synopsis. If I am allowed to consider something that I haven't read over as done . . .

Ok. The hard part is done. It's there in black and white.

My question is: Why the hell does anyone want to read one? How can anyone tell if a book will be good? Seriously, it's cut down to: this happens, then this happens, she feels this way, he feels this way. How can I convince anyone it is well written, a master piece perhaps, when all of my characterization is cut out. How can anyone like characters who just do things? I don't think I even like my novel right now. I surely don't like my characters. The only part I do like about it are my first two paragraphs, which read more like a book cover. Maybe I should read over it.

How long is it supposed to be anyway? I've got like 9 1/2 pages. Too long? Too short? I need Goldilocks perfection here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


It's harder to write about my novel that it was to write the damn thing. I want to bang my head against my metal desk and listen to my grey matter squish out of my ears and flop on the ground. (and poke my eyes out with the scissors). The craziest thing: it's effort for all the rejection letters I will get. Maybe I should just write myself a rejection letter and get on with writing the next novel.

Here it goes:

Dear Ms. Morris,
We regret to inform you that your novel entitled, (Whatever the final title will be), is not a good fit for our agency/publishing company. First, it's not Science-fictiony enough. We are looking for aliens with green skin, teleportation devices, and flying saucers. Second, your characters have stupid names and worse characterization. Third, your synopsis sucked, therefore, your writing must as well. Fourth, we don't like your name. It's simply not publishable. Fifth, we are honestly not sure where you live since your query was mailed from one state, your synopsis from another and your phone number is from neither. Sixth, we don't see where it could go after this. There is simply no potential. Seventh, I have a headache and actually didn't read beyond the first sentence. Eighth, you suck. Ninth, your novel isn't long enough. Tenth, simply put: no one will read it.

We hope we have provided you a clear enough explanation of why you and your writing are not a good fit for us. Feel free to submit again, when you get a clue.

Some evil witch who hates all life

Ok, now that I have written the worst rejection letter I can think of (to myself), I feel a bit better. In fact, I highly suspect this will be the most original rejection I receive. (That is not a challenge). But if you are reading this, and planning on rejecting me anyway - go for it.

On that note: back to my synopsis (attempt)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Organizing My Thoughts

Visually, organizing my thoughts that is. New white dividers in my white binder. Freshly printed chapter by chapter outline. I'm working on typing up my character information from the random loose-leaf paper, sticky notes, and ripped journal pages strewn about.

In other new: I have written two versions of the query letter (so far).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Outline Complete

15 pages, 5,600+ words later and the outline to my novel is finished. I'm very happy about this because it will be much easier to work with 15 pages to write a synopsis rather than 224 pages.

Up next: Synopsis, Query Letter(s), and Cover Letter

Long term: Begin to outline the next book.

I'm not typically one to do outlines for stories/novels. However, I have a lot of directions I could go and I think outlining will help me determine which directions I want to go in next. Even if I don't follow it exactly, I'm hoping that it will save me some time.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Genre study

I read somewhere, probably many places, and have been told countless times that in order to be a better writer, I must read fervently. Don't mistake that. I do read, a lot. It's just I tend to read randomly and many genres or I read specifically a lot by a few authors. So, I have decided that if I want to write Science Fiction (which is the only thing that really interests me (as a writer), I need to read a wider range of material. Hence: genre study.

Where to start? Good question.

I have been researching MFA programs for awhile now, and found that the University of Kansas has The Center for the Study of Science Fiction. It offers a lot of unique courses that focus in SF and I would love the opportunity to study there. However, I have no idea where we will end up. They do offer a week long class (that has already occurred) on The Science Fiction Novel. The website includes a list of all required reading, and that's where I decided to start my genre study. If, by chance, I get to attend someday, I'm ahead of the curve. If not, it's a good start on a much larger goal. Hell, my favorite SF author isn't even included, so I know there are many more good choices out there.

I'm starting the list in the middle, with the one book that I haveThe Man in the High Castle

I started reading it awhile ago, but never finished. I'm not sure why.

I've also ordered a couple more, so that when I'm done, I can read another. I love Amazon's used books section. Seriously, one cent for a book plus $3.99 shipping. I'm a happy girl!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Printing . . .

224 pages. Ready, Set, Go! Yes, a complete second draft is done and printing as I type. This time, I am printing it front only, full size, with page numbers. This next read through, I will focus on more of the big picture. I started to on the first draft, but got lost in grammar, tense, wording and timing issues (some of which I will probably still find). I will also be looking at small issues: changing words and descriptions, finding a title, adding description/taking away useless words, dialog, fillers and whatever else pops up.

**My printer decided to stop printing. I was printing in 25 page sections, so as to keep tabs on paper and ink, two sets of printing and it stopped. Technology is everything good and evil all at once. Yesterday, my computer decided it would be neat if the start menu was at the top of my screen instead of the bottom.

How I fix a printer: unplug and plug it back in = SUCCESS!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Light at the top of the tunnel!

(Title post = reference to POV #3 of my novel!) Yes, today I actually feel confident saying that I am in fact writing a novel. Not simply that I am trying to, but it actually is taking shape. I have finished editing it. (Though, truth be told, I haven't updated it all yet, but I've read through it and made corrections on paper. Second truth, the last chapter needs rewritten - but I do know what it will say - sort of). I am well into POV #3 (hence the reference above). Though, in some ways, POV #3 is a whole new thing that requires new research and development and feels like I am starting all over again. Anyway, I am finally able to see a *short-list of what needs to be done in order to be done, in order to get it *possibly on it's way to be published (if it doesn't suck).

I felt more confident starting this post than now that it's finished. I guess I'll just get back to work.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

just keep writing . . .

I've been continuing to work on part three. It's tripled in size, though, I realize that's not saying a whole lot. I have been editing parts one and two also (still). In my defense, I now live in a new state and have most of the house in order; including new office furniture. (yes, again). Our other awesome stuff wasn't quite made to "cut it" for a move, with one piece in half and the desk pieces way to wobbly for us to work hard on our laptops, it a necessary buy. So, we opted for metal! They are sleek and modern and hopefully will withstand a few more moves.

GoCartDeskCarbon3QF9 two of theseGoCart5ShelfBkcsCarbon3QF11one of these
GoCart3ShelfCarbon3QS11one of these
TPSFileCabinetWhite3QF10two of these
BubbleWhiteOfficeChair3QS10two of theses

All courtesy of www.cb2.com! (as are the pictures) It all complements the AWESOME book shelf I scored from the antique store a few months ago too!

Even more in my defense, I am working hard on preparing myself and my husband for the GRE. I have challenged him to it, telling him I will do better. (IDK if that will happen, but it should keep me on my toes).

As for part three: I'm liking it's direction. I'm just hoping it is the right shape puzzle piece for this novel. It's made out of different material, but as long as it connects, that shouldn't matter.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Part 3 has begun!

I was feeling guilty about not touching my novel for a while.  In my defense, lot of things are happening right now that are throwing off my schedule and in turn distracting me from writing.  However, while utterly distracted and overwhelmed with festivities, trips, and ultimately moving, my subconscious was unbeknownst to be, working it out.  Today, I am happy to report, the first 147 words of part three were born from my brain.  No, that's not a lot of words.  However, they will most likely be the most important 147 words of part three because they set everything that will be in motion.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Back on Track

I have been a bit sidetracked, distracted, and stuck for a couple weeks. The biggest reason I haven't done any more editing is because I was stuck. My structure became a jumbled mess and I got bogged down trying to fix it (not knowing how). Finally, after backing away from it for a couple weeks, it's 'fixed', for now. Basically, it's good enough for now. There is part of it that I'm sure needs more work, but I just want to get through round one of editing. (And if I don't move on, I'll just stay stuck) So: on I move.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cut and Paste

These days when the term "cut and paste" comes up, we think of computers. "Ctrl + C", "Ctrl + V", and if we want to be really daring, "Ctrl + X". However, last night I began to combine the 'old school' (yes literally cutting paper using scissors) and new school (computer) versions of the term 'cut and paste'. I needed a better visual than my computer could give me. I love computers and all technology, but sometimes I need to see the new way and the old way combined before it gets blurred together neatly on a computer screen. Think about it. You cut and paste in a word processing program, and poof where does the old meet the new? Did you get it in the right location? Better read over it to make sure. With scissors and paper, there is that non-straight edge and staple to show me where the change is. No need for crazy scrolling madness to figure it out.

(until I misplace the paper - yes unfortunately that did happen)

Monday, March 19, 2012

- something new every day

Today I have come to a conclusion that defies every desire I have. I have read (in several different books on writing ) that it would happen. I refused to believe it possible. One author said it was common to throw out the first hundred pages that are written. Another said after the first draft is written, the second draft was a complete overhaul. I don't know why I thought I would be above that. I am not. The first part I wrote needs to be totally rewritten. I have found some diamonds in the rough, but mostly it's coal. I also half-hazardly added flashbacks that need to be removed from where they are and reinserted in more pertinent locations.

Oh, and another layer of my novel (yes the third perspective) is in the works. It will be the missing link (I think). So while my first draft was in a sense complete, the second draft will include a whole new part that my subconscious is currently working out the details. Right now I have very little conscious idea how it will be written.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Craft studies

No, not like arts and crafts. Like: the craft of writing. After editing chapter 1, I got concerned about how I presented my setting, so I went back and studied how about eight different novels deal with setting. I came away with a few observations:
1. The "where" of the story allows the plot to happen.
2. Setting can be used to juxtapose mood/situation or another setting
3. Unfamiliar things are described in more detail than the everyday
4. By giving detail to setting, it increases it's importance
5. Setting can enhance mood

Now after getting through part 1 (aka the first 4 chapters) I have found a new dilemma: the passage of time. The way it is written now, two days pass in part one and years pass in part 2. The reason this happened is because part 2 and 4 were written before 1 and 3. Confused yet? Good. Me too. I've known for a while that this would need to be reconciled, now I just have to figure out how to do it.

I think I will go about it in the same way I did my setting quandary. I will look at how a variety of novels deal with time. Hopefully I can come up with a set of observations that lead me down a path of success.

Rewriting is an option, possibly the only option. I just need a better sense of how to do it before I jump in.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A bit embarrassed . . .

Yesterday, I discovered what quite possibly is the greatest Microsoft software ever made: Microsoft Office OneNote. I fully realize that it's been on my computer since I got it (which was in 2009) and without a doubt this isn't news to many people. It was, however, news to me. I stumbled upon it by complete accident while trying to figure out how to make a timeline in order to keep my character's straight.

No, this wasn't the first time I have looked for an adequate source of 'timelining'.

Yes, I did find it as a template in excel. Thank you.

I am well aware of my computer ignorance, and am honestly not sure how it got this bad. I swear, at one point in my life, I knew every program that my computer ran (at least enough to know if it belonged or was a virus). Sadly, those days died along with Windows 98'.

Anyway, OneNote allows me to do thing I have always, ALWAYS wanted to do on Word or Paint or somewhere, including, but surely not limited to, moving text around and easily going from one tabbed page to the next. I spent all the time of printing out my Editing checklist (in blue because I'm out of black ink) when I have a searchable, type-capable, (legible), tool right at my fingers. I can keep adding notebooks, sections, and pages until the whole thing is edited and re-edited. I can research questions that pop up and add a page for them. I wasted a whole lot of paper (that isn't searchable or legible or erasable (since it's in pen) in a three ring binder. I'm happy to say, that as I work at editing, I will transfer my paper notes to OneNote and maybe, just maybe, I will actually be organized.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I have been having a difficult time answering the question of "why?" that my novel asks. Thankfully it's not something that my current draft necessarily needs to answer. However, it needed to be answered eventually and neither of my characters could do it. While writing through their eyes, I wasn't able to look at the big picture, because I was focused on their perspectives (and they don't know the answer either). Since I have been done writing for over a week, last night my mind was finally able to see beyond their knowledge base. I have always known the cause was Science Fiction-esque in nature, and that meant it had to be plausible. While watching Ancient Aliens last night (a guilty pleasure of mine) my mind brought me back to something that I wrote about three years ago, and I realized that it answered "why" perfectly.

I have been reading How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card (my favorite author) to try and get a grip of writing SF. One thing that I've been reminded of both reading it and the Complete Handbook of Novel Writing is that in order to write, first one must have talent (which is innate), next one must know the craft (which thankfully can be studied and learned), lastly one must have perseverance. The past few days I have been working on my knowledge of craft: what works, what doesn't, hard and fast rules, and rules that can be broken. It's a balancing act. One that I hope with my editing checklist I can achieve.

Tomorrow, I start editing. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm not crazy!

Sometimes when I tell friends or family about a particular story I'm working on or my writing process they give me strange looks. Sure sometimes my story may not be about something that interests them or maybe they just got bit by a mosquito, but more often than not I'm pretty sure they think I'm crazy. I have a good friend, who is obviously bewildered by how invested I am in my characters lives. When I tell her how my main character is taking on a life of his own, or won't do what I had intended him to, or how he does something unexpected, my friend makes a polite comment about how it is my book and my characters can do what I want them to do. Which I retort with: "No they can't. It's not in their nature. I can't make them do something they wouldn't do."

You can see where I'm going with this, sometimes I even begin to think I'm crazy. I have learned not to take these comments personally. Everyone has a different vocation. Just as I don't know the first thing about changing the oil in my car, how to clean a weapon, or what that thingy-ma-jig part that didn't fix in the whatz-it was for; I can't (and don't) expect my friends and family to 'get' how characters form inside a writer's head. However, it's always nice to know that I'm not alone. While reading through the Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, I was relieved to read someone else say that well developed characters will begin to make their own choices and surprise the writer. When I am writing, it seems like the pages write themselves and I am just along for the ride. Even when i go back and read it, I am still surprised. This is what I truly enjoy about writing, the mentality of creation.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What's Next?

A short study of the Novel. I have read quite a few novels in my day, of multiple genres. I have a BS in English with a concentration in Fiction Writing. While we studied novels from a writer's perspective, as an undergrad we did not get into the actual writing of a novel. I realized, as I began to embark on the journey of editing my own novel, two things. First, I had not edited any piece of fiction in a while. Second, I had never attempted at editing a novel. With that in mind, I tentatively looked through the writer's section of the book store. I always look at that area with caution because it would be easy to get caught up reading about 'writing your next number one best seller' and never actually sitting down to write it. I found a couple books on novel writing, and after sitting down to check them over (yes in a chair), I decided on the Complete Handbook of Novel Writing from the Editors of Writer's Digest.

The Complete Handbook Of Novel Writing: Everything You Need to Know About Creating & Selling Your Work (Writers Digest)

It's comprised of short chapters by published authors dealing with everything about the Novel from plot to publishing. I'm using it to help me put together an editing checklist, which once I finish, I will share with anyone who cares to view/use it. Most of what I've read in the book, I know on some level. However, it helps to be reminded what works and what doesn't. My plan to to take no more than a week to read through the book and get my checklist put together, so I can get on to the important stuff: editing!

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's done!

Yes, you read that right. The first draft of my first novel is complete! It's taken a good long time, but I did it! I hardly know what to do next. Well, that's not entirely true. Now, I need to make it make sense. I know that I shifted tense a few places and there are dates that are off. In fact, at one point dates were confusing me so much, that I stopped worrying about them all together because it was taking away from actually writing. Now is the time to fix all of that. I am sure there are a few places I was stuck that I left incomplete in order to move on. However, this is all really a minor detail when you consider that: I WROTE MY FIRST NOVEL! At 61,211 words and 235 pages, it's ready to be worked on, torn apart, put back together and made pretty.

What's next immediately?
1. I need to update my outline with the last 70 pages I wrote.
2. Read through it (On my Kindle Fire!)
-fix dates/get timeline coherent
-first round of editing

<3 Happy Editing<3

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


In case anyone out there wonders, I have a thing for books. Even though my wonderful husband got me a Kindle Fire for my birthday, and I love it, it doesn't mean I won't buy as many tangible books. If anything it will simply mean that I will have MORE books altogether. We had actually just about filled our two bookcases we had (my goal is to someday have a fairly extensive home library). I had actually been setting books on top of other books or in front of them on our existing bookcases, not sure what I was looking for. Then out of no particular reason, other than perhaps curiosity, I entered The Plunderbox, an antique store in Midway, Georgia. As with many instances where I find the perfect thing, it came at the end of my perusing the store. Behold, my (new to me) old double circle bookcase:
Meet the new home of my Science Fiction and Fantasy novels.

In other news, also exciting, my novel is officially over 200 words and drawing to a close soon (i think). I extended my goal of getting draft one complete by the time Rob returns home.