First round queries out today and tomorrow. Since the Post Office is closed today, the snail mail ones have to wait a day.
In case you're wondering: I am a nervous wreck. So much so, that I'm sure one of the agents I sent a query to will reject me plainly because I didn't follow exact protocol. What did I do? I sent it to the wrong email address. I had the correct one written down, but typed it incorrectly. One would think that it just would get lost in cyberspace, never to be read or answered. But no, I immediately got an out of office reply to bring light to my error. It inadvertently was another one of her email addresses, just not the query one. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I don't have that one written down anywhere, just happened to be bad luck. I have corrected my mistake, but now the email has been sent twice - doah.
I've been slacking on my writing this weekend. The hubs and I went out Thursday night with friends, Friday the dogs had to go to the vet- poor Alex hates her temperature being taken, and Saturday I got The Hunger Games DVD! So, I have to play some catch up.
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