What? You thought someone wanted to see more? Not yet. Three more queries are still out in limbo.
It's funny. I saw my SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) in my mailbox and got super nervous. Hands shaking and shit. The weird part? I think I was more nervous that they would want to see more than the thought of straight up rejection. This may sound funny and counter to the fact that I really do want people to read what I write (and love it). I know I've mentioned this before, but my writing is the most me I can be. So, to share me with so many people is scary. Basically, it's easier to be rejected by one, than by a whole readership.
So, you want to know more about this rejection letter, right? Well, it's printed on high class off white paper that has the water mark firmly in the center. It has a classy letterhead with a super cool agency font. It is very tactful, and a form letter in every way. While I will not say who it is from, I will transcribe the body of the text into this blog to show yo what I mean. The type in red indicates my remarks. Here it is below:
Dear Author,
(I read it at least three times before I realized they didn't even put my name on it. However, and I quote, they called me an "Author". Hey, I'll take it!)
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look at your work.
With PERSON'S NAME full client list, she can only take on projects that are an absolutely perfect
fit and I'm afraid this isn't it.
(Not exactly sure how to take this, and I would read into it a lot more if it wasn't an obvious form letter; having little to do with whether it's style/idea/writing that isn't absolutely perfect. BUT without reading ANY of my story, it can't be my writing or style. Hell, it may not even be my idea, it may just have been they didn't like my query or I didn't summarize a novel well in less than two pages)
Thank you for sending us your query, and best wishes for you project's success.
On behalf of PERSON
(The agent I was interested in most likely didn't even see my query. This other person didn't think it was a fit. I wish I had known about OTHER PERSON, to see what she is interest in too.)
Needless to say, this may be a very tricky process. However, there is still a bunch of hope. I only need one agent, not four (or however many I end up sending out).
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