Friday, February 24, 2012

It's done!

Yes, you read that right. The first draft of my first novel is complete! It's taken a good long time, but I did it! I hardly know what to do next. Well, that's not entirely true. Now, I need to make it make sense. I know that I shifted tense a few places and there are dates that are off. In fact, at one point dates were confusing me so much, that I stopped worrying about them all together because it was taking away from actually writing. Now is the time to fix all of that. I am sure there are a few places I was stuck that I left incomplete in order to move on. However, this is all really a minor detail when you consider that: I WROTE MY FIRST NOVEL! At 61,211 words and 235 pages, it's ready to be worked on, torn apart, put back together and made pretty.

What's next immediately?
1. I need to update my outline with the last 70 pages I wrote.
2. Read through it (On my Kindle Fire!)
-fix dates/get timeline coherent
-first round of editing

<3 Happy Editing<3

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