Friday, February 3, 2012


The title post is in honor of the book I am currently reading: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. I picked it up at the grocery store last week. I had seen previews for the movie and was interested in seeing it. I had no idea it was a book. As a rule, books are better than movies. So I did the obvious Tina thing and decided to read the book before I watched the movie. (Not that I will go to see it in theaters by myself so I will probably wait until it comes out on DVD or On Demand). However, the "not going to the movies by myself" rule may be off when The Hunger Games comes out. Oddly, I didn't follow that rule (read the book before watching the movie for Twilight or New Moon. In my defense, I wasn't sure about them. I was teaching high school and once I realized all the girls were ga ga over it, I was concerned it might be teeny bopper. Obviously I changed my mind. I saw the preview for New Moon, had to watch it. So I bought the Twilight DVD, saw New Moon in the theater, then got all the books for Christmas and read them straight through. The books are better than the movies. Movies just can't have as much info. There isn't enough time.

Anyway. (haha) Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is really good so far. I love the narrator. He is quirky, but realistic. He is full of dimensions and the author doesn't spell them all out, which keeps him interesting. Today I keep going back and forth between reading that book and writing my book. It's actually going well. I have written over 1,000 words already today without really trying. I give partial credit to the coffee, but most credit to my brain and cold fingers.

Until, next time!

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