Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I think, that most people think of me as a nice person.  I, however, may just be really good at the "time and place" principle.  I wonder if everyone has that running commentary inside their head, unleashed noticing, sarcasm and criticism.  Yes?

The reason I bring it up:  I wrote a short short this morning, based on fact that is honest.  (Now look, I am already justifying this.)  I didn't lie, I didn't judge, I just stated fact.  However, I know that pointing out someones pudge is not nice.  I actually even feel bad in my head when I do it.  To be fair, it's more that I feel bad for doing it, because I realize that other's probably do it to/at me in their head as well, and I'm embarrassed for me.  I do it to myself too; I've just gotten to the point of realizing that I shouldn't care what others think of me.  Which is why I sing and dance in my car.  I mean if people are going to laugh at or judge me, I might as well have fun while they're doing it.

Did I write about you today?  Most likely not.  We (the person I wrote about and I) do not know each other.  However, I'm fairly certain, this person would recognize themselves if they read it.  In fact, to the best of my knowledge, this person has no idea I have a blog.

Question:  Is it mean to notice or state the obvious?  Like if someone is overweight, is that mean to notice?  Doesn't a good biographer include all the facts about a person and not just the nice ones?

In response to myself:  I have tried to change observations around to make it "separate but equal" and still amusing or realistic or whatever.  It never works out right.

Let's make a deal:  I won't judge you for noticing my flaws/quirks and visa versa.

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