The title quote is by Jerome Cady off of today's quote of the day from The title quote also sums me and my attitude toward writing up perfectly. BUT, I am trying to work through that. So I have been searching for ways to break out of my writing shell. I have recently included another friend in my small group (now two) of readers to critique my work. They both are fantastic friends who I know have very different views and will be an awesome help to me. Also today I discovered a writing group in Savannah, called the Savannah Writer's Group (SWG). Fancy that. They meet the second and forth Tuesday of every month at 7pm at the Books a Million in Savannah. I am committing on my blog to attend April 12 at 7pm. I am afraid of being afraid, and I am afraid of first impressions because until I get to know people I am very quite and reserved. This gives the wrong impression of me because in reality I am a glass is half full type of girl.
Word of the day: kismet. My sentence: My kismet is to become a well known author. Thanks for another awesome word!
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