Sunday, February 27, 2011

I wrote a poem.

I also found another free online lit mag that I like. Diagram: It too has quite a bit of poetry which is intriguing. It has stories which read like poems and poems like stories. I, at times, enjoyed reading the submission guidelines more than the stories themselves. I will look for another few possible places to submit tonight. The next few to look at on my list are: Lumina, Nervous Breakdown, 580 Split, Caketrain and Lifted Brow.

Word of the day: rubicund (adj) Inclining to redness; ruddy; red.
Like my dad's beard (before it was gray) was rubicund. (?) I often am awful at using newly learned words correctly in sentences. I have an even worse time deciding if other people (namely students) use newly learned words correctly. Ugh, I can't wait until I no longer live everyday in high school English classes.

I was going to add the quote of the day from but it was lame. A good song, but not worth it in my opinion.

I have not done very well on my goal this week. I wrote only 77 words today in my poem. Maybe I'm not done yet. However the rest of the week wasn't that great either. I will keep up my goal, I can still only go up.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back to Writing

Teaching high school has burnt me out, making it impossible for my imagination to flow. At the end of the day, it's all I am able to do to make dinner and veg. BUT, this weekend my husband Rob and I went camping and it was completly cathartic. I came home with not only the need to write but the desire. I am starting slow, with a goal of 100 words per day. It's an easy goal, which means I should have no trouble meeting it and success leads to success(i hope).

I also had an idea to use a set of playing cards to write random prompts on them and then if I can't decide what to write, I could pull from the deck. I tried them out tonight, I got: "Make up a superhero"
So here it is:

Superhero: Edit-TOR
Powers: the uncanny ability to ALWAYS know when a writer needs someone to read their work and offer an honest critique and good advice
Appearance: Sophisticated black framed glasses, gray pants, button down shirt with sleeves rolled up and a loose tie. Face: chiseled, no facial hair, supple brown eyes, long lashes, soft lips. Body: lean and muscular like a Ken doll.
Can be found: libraries, book stores, book readings, signings, book clubs, writer’s workshops, a cabin by a pond
Side kick: Grammar-A-TOR (knows all grammar rules and how to correctly break them)
Mentor: Diction-know-OR (knowledgeable in ALL words, their meanings, synonyms and antonyms.

On one level I think it's super lame, but I wish he existed. I could really use him, and what writer couldn't?

I also have been looking up places to try and place my writing. While looking, I found an online lit mag, it is free to read and has great stuff in it. It's called La Petite Zine, site: Maybe someday they'll publish my stuff. It seems like a lot of poetry, but super engaging poetry. It almost makes me wish I could write poetry. Maybe my college professor made me feel like I was bad, to make me better. Maybe I'm not that bad of a poet. Maybe I should try? That question is for another day. Anyway, a lot of the writer's published on the site had previous publications in lit magazines and their own books. I guess everyone has to have their stuff published somewhere first. Right?

Word of the day: Bailiwick (noun) - a person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.