Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back to Writing

Teaching high school has burnt me out, making it impossible for my imagination to flow. At the end of the day, it's all I am able to do to make dinner and veg. BUT, this weekend my husband Rob and I went camping and it was completly cathartic. I came home with not only the need to write but the desire. I am starting slow, with a goal of 100 words per day. It's an easy goal, which means I should have no trouble meeting it and success leads to success(i hope).

I also had an idea to use a set of playing cards to write random prompts on them and then if I can't decide what to write, I could pull from the deck. I tried them out tonight, I got: "Make up a superhero"
So here it is:

Superhero: Edit-TOR
Powers: the uncanny ability to ALWAYS know when a writer needs someone to read their work and offer an honest critique and good advice
Appearance: Sophisticated black framed glasses, gray pants, button down shirt with sleeves rolled up and a loose tie. Face: chiseled, no facial hair, supple brown eyes, long lashes, soft lips. Body: lean and muscular like a Ken doll.
Can be found: libraries, book stores, book readings, signings, book clubs, writer’s workshops, a cabin by a pond
Side kick: Grammar-A-TOR (knows all grammar rules and how to correctly break them)
Mentor: Diction-know-OR (knowledgeable in ALL words, their meanings, synonyms and antonyms.

On one level I think it's super lame, but I wish he existed. I could really use him, and what writer couldn't?

I also have been looking up places to try and place my writing. While looking, I found an online lit mag, it is free to read and has great stuff in it. It's called La Petite Zine, site:
http://www.lapetitezine.org/index.htm Maybe someday they'll publish my stuff. It seems like a lot of poetry, but super engaging poetry. It almost makes me wish I could write poetry. Maybe my college professor made me feel like I was bad, to make me better. Maybe I'm not that bad of a poet. Maybe I should try? That question is for another day. Anyway, a lot of the writer's published on the site had previous publications in lit magazines and their own books. I guess everyone has to have their stuff published somewhere first. Right?

Word of the day: Bailiwick (noun) - a person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work. www.dictionary.com

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