So, this evening I was craving a Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee and a donut (shutter). It's like a 25 minute drive to DD, so I wasn't sure it was worth it UNTIL I realized that Rob's truck deserved to be driven a bit farther than to the Post Office like 1 1/2 miles away. It had been raining earlier, but wasn't currently, so I hopped into the truck to go get my iced coffee (which would give me motivation to write). As I was driving, there was this ominous cloud one one side of the sky and the sun on the other, it started pouring over top of me, but the sun was still in my eyes. I had to keep my sunglasses on in order to see. After about 5 minutes of driving in the storm, I drove out of it just in time to get to DD! Once I was safely parked (seriously) I saw the rainbow! I <3 rainbows! I got my LARGE iced coffee :) and a sprinkled donut and got back in the truck. Yup, I had to drive back through the storm. As I began to drive, the sun was still in my face, and I was driving straight toward the rainbow! It actually looked like it touched the ground in the middle of the road, and I did in fact drive through it (sadly, there was no pot of gold). Craziest thing though, first: after having to stop at a stop light, the truck tires slid like I was on ice (which clearly I was not, as it is over 90 degrees). Then to make it all the crazier, the wind was super strong, like I could feel it pushing the truck while I drove down the road. However, the craziest thing is that I again drove out of the storm after about 5 minutes and never once had to walk out of the truck in the rain AND once I got out of the storm, the sky was blue blue. BEST PART: I have a large iced coffee! Ok, enough of the random, I will work on my real story now. Bye!
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